PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

It is wonderful to see her so happy and enjoying life and I am truly amazed a chicken can recover from such an injury. To think I suggested putting her to sleep
- seems your chicken-mummy instincts were right to keep fighting for her, a huge well done
the molting is adding insult to injury!! the stress is triggering it for sure. make sure she gets as much protein as she can with eggs, etc. i've even heard that dog food is really good for rebuilding the protein that feather use... maybe she would like that, too! love the pictures. such an incredible sweetie. and so are you for caring so much to help her and not just giving up!
I'm so glad that she is willingly eating again! Perhaps you can start mixing in small quantities of her normal chicken feed into her scrambled eggs-- I bet that'd be a good way to get her back into it. You can gradually increase the amount of feed in the raw egg mix, then cook it as scrambled eggs... the egg will cook and help "bind" it all together and make it easier for her to eat. Think of it like the weirdest omelet ever! Hopefully someday soon she will start looking at other foods and learn how to eat them on her own. It will probably be a bit slow, but honestly her progress so far is amazing and shows your true dedication! She has a lot of will to live!
you could mix the crumbles or pellets with water or milk until it makes a thick paste. hen roll it in your hands into making meatballs or cookies!
I'm so glad that she is willingly eating again! Perhaps you can start mixing in small quantities of her normal chicken feed into her scrambled eggs-- I bet that'd be a good way to get her back into it. You can gradually increase the amount of feed in the raw egg mix, then cook it as scrambled eggs... the egg will cook and help "bind" it all together and make it easier for her to eat. Think of it like the weirdest omelet ever! Hopefully someday soon she will start looking at other foods and learn how to eat them on her own. It will probably be a bit slow, but honestly her progress so far is amazing and shows your true dedication! She has a lot of will to live!
Make sure that she gets some grit mixed in her eggs.
@Nambroth thank you so much for that clever idea! I now mix in her regular food to her egg omelet in the morning and she loves it :) it doesn't smell the best when it cooks, but oh well :p please everyone, continue to keep Fuzzy Bum in your prayers. She is doing really well, but I hope that she learns how to eat and drink on her own soon. We have ordered the poultry nipples, but they still haven't came in yet. Thanks everyone!!!! <3
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