Plexi window thickness?


Jan 1, 2020
New York City
I'm putting in a few windows in my coop that will be closed during the winter to prevent drafts, but I'm having a hard time finding a recommendation on the thickness of the plexiglass to use.

1/8" would be most convenient to construct (the blade on my table saw is 1/8" and I can easily create grooves in the window frame).

Is there any reason to thing that this would not be warm enough for winters in NYC? There will be an overlapping trim on the inside with weather stripping and oh-so-much caulking involved. Our wintertime lows average in the mid 20s but we usually have a day or two down in the low teens.

Anyone have experience with this?
On your Plexiglas question,, The 1/8 inch is just fine.
and oh-so-much caulking involved.
Overkill likely not necessary. Very little cracks do not create sufficient draft.
Caulking is important in spots where water may enter. Mainly roof portion.
You do need to research heavy duty into ventilation.
Here is a link to a thread that goes deep into discussing proper ventilation.
Your main goal in building a good coop,,,,, are:
Keep chickens in Draft free environment.
Keep chickens dry.
Provide ventilation to remove ammonia, and moisture.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :welcome
Thanks! I think we're good with venting. The eves are open on the 8' long building and I put in 7' of ridge vent. Just needs some air flow for these hot summer days! 1/8" will make my life so much easier!

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