Plexiglass wall?

Okay my husband corrected me - they are 6mm twin wall polycarbonate panels, 4x8 panels. From what you are saying that is good! I was worried that their blurred view of the world would make them feel trapped or confined. We plan on building a "Free Range" area this spring with some wire above only for supervised outside time because we have two tough hounds and lots of raccoons, foxes and hawks. You sound like you really know your stuff, so one more question - should I take them off in spring/summer or leave them on to keep the floor dry in rains??

That answer depends entirely upon how will the coupe is ventilated with them in place. If you walk in and smell a whiff of ammonia, or it feels damp inside compared to outside, remove them.

And I only sound like an expert because I speak confidently. My experience is Broad but not particularly deep. I'm a generalist
That answer depends entirely upon how will the coupe is ventilated with them in place. If you walk in and smell a whiff of ammonia, or it feels damp inside compared to outside, remove them.

And I only sound like an expert because I speak confidently. My experience is Broad but not particularly deep. I'm a generalist
Well a SMART generalist and I thank you!
Well a SMART generalist and I thank you!
Update on coop run - we finished the bottom! I shoveled out all the old dirt, - down like 2-3 inches all around and then raked it down and then the finishing touch was brand spankity new wood chips all around. They seem to be very happy chickies!


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