Plymouth Rock thread!

Of course he's beautiful. And a sweet temperament makes him all the more attractive. I started out with a McMurray hatchery BR rooster with battle scars, favus, lice and malnutrition (shame on you, FFA kid!) He paid me back for his rescue and cemented my love of nice tempered roosters-that sweet Hawkeye set the bar high and he'll never be forgotten. I may have my beautiful heritage line BRs, but I love my hatchery-descended hens just as much. They began my love of Barred Plymouth Rocks.
Same here! My avatar is a hatchery BPR. Not only did she instil my love for the breed, she made me expand and become chicken obsessed! I started out just wanting fancy birds for fun. We ended up getting her because those fun birds were not laying yet. She was such the character. I remember her voice fondly. She was the most vocal hen I have ever come across, and I have a lot!
So you already know there are benefits to slow growth - so many folks are just so excited for those first eggs, they'll go ahead and feed them layer feed, which has calcium in it, much too early. The feed companies don't help in this regard, as the bags will tell you to being feeding layer feed at 18 weeks. I wait until I see the very first egg in each hatch. In fact, I will often continue feeding NON layer feed if they are a bit too young in my opinion, and just leave a bowl of oyster shell for them to eat free choice. It's said that the ones who need it will eat it, and those that do not, won't. I am unsure whether that's true or not.

I feed a flock-raiser type feed (18% protein) to all of my layers, with a protein boost (I am currently using Purina fish chow, which is 32% protein) mixed in to up the total protein percentage to about 22%. I strongly believe that once they are laying, they require more protein. Before then, however, I feed the flock raiser feed alone, which is lower protein than chick feed. So, at about 8-10, sometimes 12 weeks, I switch from chick feed to the flock raiser. For adults (hens laying and males as well), I prefer to feed the flock raiser type feed as it does not have extra calcium in it, like layer feeds do. The extra calcium isn't needed for males, and can damage organs if fed to birds that are not fully developed yet. So, giving a bowl with oyster shell separately, free-choice, allows them to eat what they need, separately from their feed.

This works for me and is simple; but everyone has different comfort levels on how much they're willing to put into feeding. I would love to have the time to mix my own feed, grow greens for them, ferment feed....but I simply do not, and the above system works well for me.
Good info! Thanks.

My favourite thing about the Barred Plymouth Rocks, is I have yet to come up with an ill tempered cockerel. Even the production birds are friendly and good with other birds..

Here is one from my original flock, Cletus. I had him inside the house as a chick when we lost the barn and the birds. He's the only male I'll keep out of the three I had in the basement. The other two (not Rocks) are going to freezer camp along with the meaties in the picture.
Cletus is adorable! And great photo! This is what I was talking about in the silkie thread about your great photo eye.

Here is a picture of my sweet boy...I think he is beautiful....
Oh, He is beautiful!
Same here! My avatar is a hatchery BPR. Not only did she instil my love for the breed, she made me expand and become chicken obsessed! I started out just wanting fancy birds for fun. We ended up getting her because those fun birds were not laying yet. She was such the character. I remember her voice fondly. She was the most vocal hen I have ever come across, and I have a lot!
Funny you should say something about her voice. I have noticed that with my mix of birds, they all have different voices. And with my 2 BR, one has a pleasant voice... while the other, (the boss of them all) has a screachy voice. Ugh!
Here is my "boss" lady. I think they have all figured out she rules the roost. And she is the one I was talking about when I said they got scared and her waddles popped out! LOL!
Good info! Thanks.
Cletus is adorable! And great photo! This is what I was talking about in the silkie thread about your great photo eye.
Oh, He is beautiful!
Funny you should say something about her voice. I have noticed that with my mix of birds, they all have different voices. And with my 2 BR, one has a pleasant voice... while the other, (the boss of them all) has a screachy voice. Ugh!
Thanks :)

Yes very loud. I must have a video of her talking somewhere. It was amusing. I loved the sound. I could listen to her talk all day!
Emily (the "screechy boss" just came up to me on the deck while I'm sippin coffee talking to you all, and started yelling at me! WTH! just stood by my chair and started screeching and looking right at me. Is she being a piggy? I do give them lots of treats.
haha..that's pearl chases me all around the yard screaming for treats every time I go out..She is just the best little girl. I suspect the fact that she is at the bottom of the pecking order is why she spends so much time with me.
Hello everyone, I haven't really had many Plymouth Rocks before, a few barred's here & there but this year we picked up a bunch of little "blue-colored" chicks at the local hardware store thinking they were gonna be lovely blue chickens and to our surprise they ended up feathering in solid white. after a LOT of calling around we finally found out that they were White Rocks. We only kept 2 of the bazillion we bought
but I have to say they are very sweet and inquisitive chickens. One of the girls is especially nosy and likes to get right up on my lap if I'm holding treats. They just started laying about a week ago and we've gotten an egg everyday so far!

Wanted to share some pictures of them too :) Every time my sister see's them she says " They're so pretty, they just look the way a chicken should!" lol.


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