Plymouth Rock thread!

I just knew who he was talkin' about....

I might have been talkin' bout you!! .stan
just what I was hoping and thinking. At first, before drying off completely and under the heat lamp, the chick looked more silvery. Once in natural light next to the kitchen window, I realized it was really much darker than I thought at first. Now, watch, with my luck, this be a super dark male, LOL.
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I'd never heard of buff rocks (though I raise barred rocks and am trying New Hampshire Reds, and have had RI Reds for years) but a friend of mine said that around here they often get passed off as buff orpingtons (she's a buff orpington person). So, hatchery buff rocks aren't actually close enough to the standard? Except for a couple specialty breeds, I tend to stick to Plymouth Rock breeds for my flocks.
Hatchery birds are really great at laying lots of eggs. They dont worry to much about shape and color. good chickens however. R I Reds are deep dark red you may see some pictures on this site of the old fashion kind. The big problem with Old Fashion Standard birds so few people have them and the good breeders don normally sell eggs and that's what most people want.

If you search this site enough you will see the difference in shape and color. New Hampshire's are a big difference especially the new ones that where imported from Germany a few years ago. bob
My son did a lot with poultry in 4H and the leaders in the poultry club here are Tom and Briget Kane. I know mainly how much I don't know, from listening to them. I know Tom does a lot of judging.
I have always concentrated on meat and eggs for the family but now that most of the children are gone, I would like to improve my chickens too. There's always something else to work on!
If you live in Virgina there is a fellow up the road from you who has the best Buff Rock large fowl in the USA his name is Tom Roebuck. Maybe Mr. Caine can line you and him up or when he goes to the shows he could get you some breeding stock. He got his from the best sources years ago and is a master of the buff color. He might even show at your shows this fall. That is not to far from you. bob
That sounds really interesting. Do you know where in Virginia he is? And we, by the way, are originally from Louisiana. But my Dad moved us up here after WWII when all those good government jobs opened up. Then my husband retired out of the Army and we ended up in Virginia for good.

I found some information on Tom and if you are interested in some of the finest Heritage Large Fowl in the USA this fellow is breeding them. They may not be the worlds greatest layer or meat birds but the Cochins where the founding breeds of our American Large Fowl in the 1850s. Brought over from England on Whaling ships and also imported by our founders these chickens are in the good hands of great breeders. The Buff Plymouth Rock is a very rare bird maybe the fewest of our Rocks are the Buffs today. I bet there is less than 150 alive right now during breeding season. The could use some help from folks like you who want a good breed and help keep the numbers from going down. They are a very pretty bird on a green long in the spring time to look at.

Also, I have enclosed one of the finest articles on breeding I have ever requested. It was so good I submitted it to the ABA for their year book and its now on the ABA web site for all to read. Tome lives in Unionville, Virginal. Maybe Tom does not to far from you. It would be worth a trip to visit his farm and see all his wonderful chickens. I wish you the very best and I believe Tom is retired military. Bob

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