Plz help - Injured hen has a bare butt and it's going to get COLD


6 Years
Dec 20, 2015
One of my barred Rock hens was attacked by the neighbor's dog. She has a couple wounds, hopefully superficial, but lost a lot of feathers. Her butt is basically bare. My main question is whether she needs to be brought into the a semi-heated sunroom....for the next few days since it's supposed to get very cold -2 for a low. Their coop is slightly heated with one of those wall panels that gives off some radiant heat but I'm afraid with the low temps it won't be enough with all the bare skin that she has. Any thoughts would be appreciated, please help?
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She should be okay inside the coop, but you can easily make her a chicken saddle out a 7x 10 piece of polar fleece. Cut two 2 1/2 inch slits for the wings and slip the wings through it. Trim any excess.

I would really look her over well under her wings and all over for any hidden cuts or puncture wounds. Is she okay as far as walking, eating, and drinking? Here is a link about making that chicken saddle/apron:

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