I'm new to incubating. I'm only on my 5th hatch. I try not to give advice to often. I don't want to give someone the wrong advice.
Ha ha ha... you're evidently a night owl like me! Talking fowl at 2:30 on a Sunday morning. Geez! Anyways... if your on your 5th incubator hatch, you pretty much have it down. We have always done quail, which is different temps, humidity, etc. Now we've got Pekin and Muscovy ducklings and geese. Totally diiferent than the quail, but kept 11 of 12 duckling alive and 2 of 3 geese. Just a matter of regulating temps, humidity and time.
Cant sleep at night no matter what time I get up. I have only done chicken eggs. Everyone makes fun of me. They say my chicks are spoiled. They think im their mom. I have 33 eggs due next sunday. So far I've only had to pull one. Duh make that 32 eggs.
Well, one was an early quitter around day 13. (we had a bunch of storms and lost power three times in two weeks) I had left it in just incase- the other was a bad egg which I thought cause it was kind of black on day 7 and a big black blob on day 13... the one that hatched was the only one that we had seen actually moving in every candle but when I candled at lockdown (after another outage) it wasn't moving anymore and I thought for sure after over 2 hours of not having heat it was a goner but kept it just incase and I threw out the 4 clear eggs.... I almost unplugged it this afternoon before we left and there still was no rocking moving etc. I didn't want to crack them because i'd rather not look at the chicks that I'd killed so I grabbed a zip lock to take them to my ex to make him bury them and it was the quietest little peep after I placed it into the sac I really thought I was imagining it so I inspected the egg for literally the millionth time and saw the tiny crack- the membrane hadn't broken at all, just a tiny part of the shell was busted outward open I had to apply pressure and used tweezers to get underneath it and flake it open to make it an air hole around its mouth and made my sister come over and help keep me sane. I utilized the forums and used water drops on the membrane. It was in there super tight and couldn't move at all we took off multiple layers. The membrane was literally like leather but with the water and gentle peeling of the top two thick ones it started being able to move more and more. We only went halfway down the shell and let it come out on its own. But I did get so caught up in this egg that I didn't even check the one i thought was an early quitter but I did and it was still the same size :( oh well better luck next time and hopefully the ebayer will get me the right breed this time ;) turns out she sells shizzles and white showgirls as well.
Jenny xo... 1st of all... YOU did not kill them. It was an act of nature. Do not fret over that! You did what you could... that's all anyone can expect of you. Is your "soul survivor" warming up?
I'm glad you're little one made it. It's hard when it doesn't go well. My bf makes fun of me when I get upset over my eggs. Most men just don't understand. Hope your next hatch goes better. Let us know how your little one does.
Phoenix... everyone calls me a "mother hen"... I know the feeling. We only have another 10 ducklings (Pekin and Muscovy) and 2 geese due next Sat and the following Sat (the geese and Muscovy takes longer). We do incubator hatch for the grand kids to enjoy... plus the Pekins won't sit on their eggs). We colored the duck eggs for Easter before putting in the incubator... sooo festive! :)
Well good night everybody. Im going to go to bed. Thanks to every one who kept me company. Jenny I will check back with you later to see how your little one is doing. And sorry for hijacking your thread.

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