Plz Help Plz Help


9 Years
Nov 22, 2014
Jalalabad,Nangarhar, Afghanistan.
My three month old Aseel cockerel had a huge fight with his brother.
His face was swollen but he was able to eat and drink and walk around normally.
His condition improved in a few days.
However on 4th day of that fight,I noticed he was limping on one leg.
I thought he might have some injury.
A day later he was completely paralysed on both legs and walking on his wings. He actively eats and drinks but just couldn't walk.
This paralysis seemed to be gradual.
I have never had Mareks in my flock and I haven't added any new chicken to my flock in the last three months,and a hen which I had added four months ago was removed from my flock three months ago.

Plz help
I'm not the most experienced with diseases, but since no ones responded yet. I cannot confirm nor deny Mareks, but with the injuries from the fight, it may be possible he sustained a neck injury causing progressive paralysis.
I'm not the most experienced with diseases, but since no ones responded yet. I cannot confirm nor deny Mareks, but with the injuries from the fight, it may be possible he sustained a neck injury causing progressive paralysis.

Thanks for your reply.
I don't know why,but memebers of BC are not being helpful these days.
They don't reply to posts asking for help.
This could be very well due to a swelling caused by an injury. The tissue swelling usually will increase for several days and if some inner bleeding is related you should expect it to take about 10 days to go down.
Keep him warm, well-fed and watered with some vitamin B complex to help the compressed nerves to restore..
just keep seperated and keep an eye he is eating and drinking, their hormones are kicking in and it's gonna be crazy until they level out. my friend took one of my young roos as couldn't have more than one here and he almost gave his life defending his hens from a coon, had severe injuries and yeah his neck feathers never came back but keeping a cool head and getting them isolated and doing first aid while making sure they are eating and drinking they can recover.

My best recommendation is if your going to have chickens keep a chicken first aid kit put together, here are some of the things I keep on hand besides having a sheltered place to tend to sick or injured feather friends:
triple antibiotic without pain killer
coconut oil
vitamin di-vi-solin drops
b complex drops
gauze and tape
blue kote
small and large syring

There are also some great info in the articles if ya take time to read up when not dealing with an emergency so you have the information available before it's needed.

I know it's stressful when havng an emergency but keep calm and be respectful, if you do your research before something comes up it's less stressful for you . I am not always on as it's been one hell of a year so far lost 2 family members since January and was trying to save a depressed broody that hatch failed , lost her and my rooster, he had a good life of 7.5 years ,it's part of growing and learning , we can't save them all but damn well give it my best shot.

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