poisonous SUMAC


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 3, 2013
South East Georgia
Does anyone else have poisonous SUMAC? And have any CURES?
I have it in my eye. I went to the doctor. Am doing the steroids, but it isn't touching it. I know, there isn't much you can do for the eye, but for the rest of me would be nice too! I'M SO ITCHY!!
calamine lotion, baking soda bath, benadryl otc. when i moved from city to country i thought what a pretty tree, and i dug it up brought it home planted and went to er. haha. not everyone is allergic to it but to those of us that are, oh boy does it itch
I will try the baking soda bath. I also heard bleach. I know the steroids aren't working so I'll try anything. I can't take benadryl :( and calamine isn't working either GRRR! My biggest problem is my eye though. I'm not even positive it is sumac tho. I know it isn't ivy or oak...just assuming sumac since I don't know what I am looking for lol. I don't remember seeing anything in the pictures on line of sumac. THANK YOU!
dont use bleach on your skin the benadryl works the best. are you allergic? they have it in cream too if not. old standby, baking soda bath and sometimes aloe , aloe wont stop itch but will make it go by faster
yes, over sensitive orally. She (dr) gave me an alternative beta blocker B vs A but it isn't making ANY difference. I'm MISERABLE. A week of swollen, burning, raw eyes that feel like they are full of sand. And no sleep reprieve. And itchy arms to boot and face to boot.
you call her back in the morning, there is NO reason you should be suffering like that. she can come up with something else. if this is a severe reaction your breathing could be affected. you need an epi-pen at least. its not her feeling like this, if it was she would do something about it !
Awww. You are so sweet for asking! My eye is a little better and the rest is managable. Possibly what I was treating my eye with was making it worse? I switched to just plain Vaseline today.

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