Polish and Houdan (?) are they hens or roos?


11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
My white Polish is very quiet and shy, and also small, but it has a funny crest and bright colored eyes. I think it is 10 weeks old.

Hen or roo?? I'm hoping for hen because I can't keep a rooster in the city, but the crest looks a lot different than my buff laced pullet that I lost to cocci.




And here is the bird who should have been a Polish but has five toes, so I'm going with Houdan...it is a bigger bodied bird than the others even though it's also 10 weeks old. This bird is in charge, always directing and pecking.


You can't see the eyes, but they are bright green like a cat's eye color.

With the white Polish, see the size difference?


These two birds are best buddies.
If you notice any yellow coloring, it's from the Sulmet water. They are a little dirty from where they keep trying to play in the waterer, then they got kefir on them, and they rolled in the sand in the run...silly birds.
I love the Houdan too! I just wish it would calm down and quit trying to beat me to death with its wings.

One vote for pullets makes me so happy! Hah.
I know and have Polish, but don't know squat about Houdan. Whichever they are, they're certainly very pretty!

About the buff and reds (that I've seen) vs other Polish crests - they seem to be more of that "explosion" style than swept back or formed into any general shape from my experience with them. That may explain the differences in the two little ones you have now.
The buff laced polish I had, her crest was a poof that was all over the place. The white Polish is funny looking with the formed crest..it's almost like mother nature used too much hair gel on it. LOL.
They both look like pullets to me. Mine are a little older (12 weeks) and they look the same. I can definitely tell the difference between my polish girl and boy- the boy had a very spiky crest and red wattles starting around 7 weeks. Both of my houdans are sweet, friendly little girls. That's funny that yours is so nervous, mine go out of their way to snuggle and even lay down on your lap!
Here are my houdans at 7 weeks:

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