Polish chicks help


In the Brooder
Jul 16, 2021
We have polish chickens about 6 weeks old. We put 3 of them in the coop with our year old chickens & 9 week olds Polish. They were going in at night and all was well. Then tonight I went to make sure they went in (we have an automatic door and I check every night to make sure they go in) I noticed our one baby isn’t anywhere to be found. Possibilities she will come back in the morning? She is my sons favorite chicken I feel terrible. I didn’t think she would escape as shes been in the coop/fenced area for a week now. Thanks. Kind of new to this
We have polish chickens about 6 weeks old. We put 3 of them in the coop with our year old chickens & 9 week olds Polish. They were going in at night and all was well. Then tonight I went to make sure they went in (we have an automatic door and I check every night to make sure they go in) I noticed our one baby isn’t anywhere to be found. Possibilities she will come back in the morning? She is my sons favorite chicken I feel terrible. I didn’t think she would escape as shes been in the coop/fenced area for a week now. Thanks. Kind of new to this
What are the ways it could of escaped
Through the fence holes. I found another out today. Not sure if our rooster or one of the other biggies are scaring them out? Both times the older chickens were fenced in with them. I’m guessing she’s a goner. Hasn’t returned.
Through the fence holes. I found another out today. Not sure if our rooster or one of the other biggies are scaring them out? Both times the older chickens were fenced in with them. I’m guessing she’s a goner. Hasn’t returned.
Have u put up missing pet posters?
:welcome :frow Hopefully it's hiding and will show up. I considered automatic pop doors but instead put electric wires around my coops and pens, concrete under the gates and good heavy duty netting covering all of the pens due to losses from predators in the past. To get the youngsters used to going into the coops in the evenings, I feed them in the evenings and they go in to eat. It works out well and when I move them from their chick/grow-out coop to the outer coops They are in the habit of going into their coops. I usually leave them shut in the coop for a few days so they will get used to the coop as being their safe place. Seems to work. Good luck...
Not knowing where you live. Some places have different predators but for the most part many of the same predators roam most everywhere.

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