Polish Concussion


Jun 12, 2017
Middle Tennessee
So my polish roo has had concussions before from fighting and I have had a polish hen run into a wall and knock herself out once, but this time I have a roo that ran into the closed coop door last night and knocked himself out. He was out for about 5-10 minutes before standing up punch drunk. I figured he was 50/50 on making it overnight. Well he made it, but he is no better. He is still just laying down, head down, eyes closed unless stimulated somehow. We dipped his beak in some nearby water a couple times and he actually drank once on his own.

Any ideas on what I can do for the guy? He is currently separated from the flock and has food/water nearby but basically just looks like he is sleeping.
Greetings Deryk,

Your rooster in shock from the head injury.

Neurogenic shock can result from primary nervous system disorders, toxicity, heatstroke, or head trauma. Animals in this condition often appear to be asleep or under anesthesia.

Heart rate and blood pressure are reduced. Dehydration also, can be a problem, because the bird is not able to take in water. Administering water orally is also dangerous, as the bird can breath the fluid into it's airway and suffer pulmonary aspiration. Sometimes subcutaneous fluids are the only way to re-hydrate. If he doesn't drink on his own, you may need to take him to see a vet.

But, if he awakens you can offer some diced grapes, to re-hydrate him and elevate his blood sugar.

These are some additional things you may want to do:
  • Wrap him in a towel, and place him on a cushion, body at an angle with head at higher elevation.
  • Gentle Massage: around the eyes, the ear lobes, solar plexus - with the your fingers together, lightly press and swirl over the solar plexis (in a chicken it starts at the bottom of the crop and down over the upper keel bone). This will stimulate the brain, the chicken should feel peaceful during this gentle massage. But if he isn't receptive, stop.

  • When he awakens, offer diced cooked meat protein, cooked grains like brown rice, oat groats, pearl barley, diced juicy fruits, shredded cabbage, bits of lightly toasted bread with butter or coconut oil.

  • Electrolytes for a day or two, to improve brain, nerve and muscle functions.

  • Soft music, at least 6 hours a day, to stimulate the brain and calm.
Some of these things may seem strange to many keepers. But, I believe in holistic healing - the mind, the body, and the spirit, all depend on each other. The addition of a positive and clean environment and good diet will also give the bird a better chance for survival.

Let him rest, when his internal body functions have re-balanced he will open his eyes.

You are looking at a healing process that can take, from a few days to several weeks.

In the end, if the bird is not able to survive, your will be at peace, that you did everything you could to help him.

These are supportive care techniques, I have used on extremely ill chickens, with success. I hope they are helpful.

God Bless and peace to you. :)
Thanks, that is a wealth of information! I will try most of those with the exception of the vet, just not my thing. He actually stood up for a while but then back down and out again. I got him to take several sips of water while awake and trying to keep him hydrated.
My Polish run into things too. Why is that? I've cut their tops so they can see. Maybe they aren't paying attention? Thinking of other things...

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