Polish, male?


In the Brooder
Jun 30, 2019
Hi everyone,
We recently hatched an assortment of chicks (my wife is a kindergarten teacher and hatches for her class). We decided to keep a few and gave away the rest. We're waiting to see what these turn into and we'll give away any roosters that turn up. We have this one that we've started calling Billy (Idol). We are starting to think that it is a rooster but we're not sure because we have never dealt with a chicken like this. Based on these pictures, first, is this a Polish, second, do you think this is a rooster? We really hope it's a hen because we're becoming quite attached. The people we bought the eggs from said there might be some Silkie mixed in. For extra credit, what breed are the chickens in the background. We're pretty sure they are Rhode Island Reds but would like a second opinion. They are only about 6/7 weeks old.

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