Polish Rooster?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 8, 2014
Strafford, NH
This is my 10 week old White Crested Black Polish. I suspect it's a boy but can anyone confirm?

His tail is more erect than my other Polish chicks and his feathers have a green sheen to them. He is also pretty bold in personality and biggest in size but I'm new to this and want to be sure before I cull them. Anyone have a hunch?

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I'm not an expert at chicken sexing but he looks just like our Kramer (he died unexpectedly about a week ago...RIP). We loved that little guy. Do you live some place where roos aren't allowed? Maybe you could rehome him instead of culling?
Yes we have been asking around...it seems that most people who will take them off of our hands will cull them too. We got a lot more roosters than we had hoped for in this batch. Regardless we will wait a bit. He seems to be a late bloomer and I want to be 100% sure before we make any decisions.
Yes we have been asking around...it seems that most people who will take them off of our hands will cull them too. We got a lot more roosters than we had hoped for in this batch. Regardless we will wait a bit. He seems to be a late bloomer and I want to be 100% sure before we make any decisions.

Don't know if you've already looked but there is a place here on BYC for rehoming birds..maybe you could find a taker here. Good idea to be sure he's a roo before you decide
BYC has an amazing amount of information on it...if you ever wonder about something, just put it in the "Search" box and see what all comes up. Good luck!

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