Poll - What is your favorite chicken breed?

What is your favorite chicken breed?

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Sad that you can’t change the poll :(, can you still add breeds?
another thing is pekins and cochins are apparently different I cant see how so I would lump them together, I think it might leg length or something.
a pekin is a true bantam some times known as a cochin bantam but you can get a LF cochin but NOT a LF pekin bantam and in NZ you can not get a cochin bantam cos we call them pekin bantams i hope that helps the confusion :)
How DARE you not allow 20 choices? I haven’t met a chicken I didn’t like! 😂😂

I know they aren’t a breed, but I love my Easter Eggers the most, only because they all look so different (because they aren’t a breed). 😊 But I love all my girls and would rather have a flock of 30 individual breeds than 30 of 1 breed. All my birds of different breeds are unique and have things I like! ❤️
How DARE you not allow 20 choices? I haven’t met a chicken I didn’t like! 😂😂

I know they aren’t a breed, but I love my Easter Eggers the most, only because they all look so different (because they aren’t a breed). 😊 But I love all my girls and would rather have a flock of 30 individual breeds than 30 of 1 breed. All my birds of different breeds are unique and have things I like! ❤️
Yeah, I DEFINITELY agree with you!! I love all chickens they all have different personalities and are so sweet!!
I only have one Buff Orpington but she is the sweetest! She follows me a round like a puppy. I now have 4 Crested Cream Legbars (28 weeks old) and have totally fallen for them too; sweet, quiet and calm. Plus they lay the prettiest blue eggs. I also have 2 Bielefelders, 8 months old and they're OK. Beautiful large brown eggs. They're quite talkative, not overly loud but have gotten quite bossy, somewhat aggressive lately. I'll have to watch that. My experience with other breeds is limited but it's hard not to like something about all of them!!!

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