Poll: What time do you go to the coop to let your chickens out?

During the summer our flock is very mature and can go to bed and wake up on time.

We just leave their door open all night. The coop is surrounded by their run anyways.
I let them out before sunrise when it's just starting to lighten up. So around 5:20 am. But then again by that time Iv been up an hour almost and am getting ready to head out the front door to work! lol This will be the first weekend with the girls out in their coop so... we will see how "sleeping in" affect's the girls disposition! lol

BTW.... Am I the only one or... I know that they are WAY too young but every morning I go out I still kinda look for egg's. Just hopeful I guess.

Edited to add: My coop is completely enclosed by the pen as well but I have a HUGE door and I know that the girls are warmer at night with it closed. Plus if anything by some crazy magical way makes it into the pen they have to get through the coop as well to get access to my girls!
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Whenever Dubloon wakes me up. His girls sleep in cages "cause he's such a jerk. I usually get them to him about 6 or 6:30. He still can't reach them, just visit through the wire.
Between 9:30 and 10 am they do have an enclosed run, this is what time I open for them to free range. If I go earlier sometimes I find eggs in the yard. I have hens they lay later in the day but they go back to the hen house. This is the time we have worked out together? Also if I have to go somewhere on Saturdays they don't get out until later because there is a guy up the road that feeds hawks on Saturdays and I am afraid they will stop for another snack at my house. If I am home I just watch out and so do the dogs.
I am juggling my two 10 week old pullets and my youngest cat for outside time, so the cat has the choice of inside/outside with a cat door from around 8pm to 8am. My girls are let out around 8am, till around 8pm.

They are usually in the coop around 8pm so I don't have to round them up, but in the morning the minute they hear me they are yelling at me to hurry up and let them out. Once they get big enough and everybody can share the outdoors they will be out until they put themselves to bed. And I will probably let them out in the morning around 6:30 or 7am.

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