Poll: What time do you go to the coop to let your chickens out?

I try to get out there at 6:15 cause I just can't do any earlier. If I could get my DH to let them out in the morning then they would get up at sunrise, which I would prefer. I read that it is most important in the winter when the amount of daylight affects how much they drink and eat. My chickens seem to go to bed early though, about 7:30pm.
At sunrise when the automatic door opener lets them out while I'm still dreaming .....
I always let them out of their coop into their run at sunrise; right now that's about 5:30. They go back into the coop on their own about 15 mins before sunset each night. I usually lock their coop and run up at about 8:15 or 8:30 every night.
4:45 AM (it's light here). They're usually up when I get out there.

A few days ago though it was really foggy and not really light out because of the fog. I opened the door and didn't hear anything (usually it's a chicken stampede to get out). Of course I poked my head through the pop door to make sure my babies were okay. The door opening must have woken them because in the time that it took for me to open the door and stick my head in some of my girls made the discovery that they could fly off their roost directly out the door. Good thing I peed before I went outside.

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