Poll: What time do you go to the coop to let your chickens out?

In the summer, between 5:30-6am, after I get the coffee going and am letting the dogs out. Any later than that and you can hear the complaining from the coop. When you let them out, you get the "prison break" parade and the fluffing and puffing of feathers, like "geesh, what took you so long?"
When I get tired of hearing Mickey crowing. about 5:30-6:00 am. He starts at dawn's early light. I try tio make him them wait till "proper" dawn, when the sun cracks the mountain.
OMG that is such a great way to explain their opinion! Whether it is 5:30am or 8am that is how they behave!
I read somewhere that you should wait till the sun is full up before letting them free-range...I think it was a predator thing. Anyway, I let them out between 6:30 - 7:00. Unless it is a rainy day then whenever I get up!!
It is summer now. If it is getting hot in th morning the chickens and Guineas are out ASAP. Both the barn doors go open and LOTS of water, clean, fresh and cool are put out.

If it is raining or the day is cooler, they are let out when I get to it.

The birds have plenty of food and water in the barn and most of them roost unitl about 8 am anyhow.

the Guineas are the ones that take advantage of an early let out. The chickens kinda hang aroung the barn for an hour or so.
8am seems to be the magic time for me. Doesn't matter the season, this is the earliest I make it out there. They are used to it though so no complaints.
My BIL (bro-in-law) usually lets them out about 9ish when he goes out to feed the horses. We are on the same property. I let them out to free range around noon and they put themselves to bed at about 6ish and I lock them up at 7-7:30.
Depends on when I get up and how windy/cold it is (even on warm days it cools off quite a bit at night here in the high desert) Usually when the sun hits the coop (which sits down in a wind-sheltered low area). Right now that's around 6-6:30.

The problem I have is that the darned teenager chickens (12 weeks) stay up later than I do - it doesn't start to get dark here until about 9:30, and they will stay out until the LAST bit of light leaves the sky. I want to go to bed before that, or at least take my shower, put on my jammies and put up my feet and read.

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