Poll: What time do you go to the coop to let your chickens out?

I don't let my chickens out, but I bring my ducks and geese to the pond at 8:00 on school days and sometime before 11:00 on weekends and during summer.
Our ducks and geese are out all the time, just their preference. The chickens get out when I first go outside in the morning. Some days it's 6am, other days it could be 9am. They don't mind though... Guess they are happy every day we don't send some to the arctic housing.... Which for some of our roos, number of days are growing shorter.....
I let my girls out somewhere between 7 and 7:30...........keep them in the coop until about 6:30.....then free range them outside until they line up to come back in the coop around 9, then close them back up at 9:30
My roo crows and throws a fit when i leave him out too late. He does he little dance. It is a bit cramped in the chicken tractor (in the process of making a bigger one). And I think his harmones gets to him.
7 to 8 AM in the mornings for momma hen and her chicks.

Other than that, I have a coop and run open most of the time all year round. In very severe weathers, I would close the doggie door.

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