Poll: What time do you go to the coop to let your chickens out?

I let the electronic pop door opener let the girls out around 5:30 am.
I usually let them out whenever my kids wake me up. Which could be anytime from 5:30-7am. I grab my coffee and let my girls into the run. I usually keep them in the run for about an hour, until after I've showered, etc. then let them free-range.
Our small flock has an integrated run/coop so they can come and go whenever they want, it's all fenced and so on. But we have lazy birds, quite often when my Hubby leaves for work at 8:00am or so, he reports that they're still asleep, and the sun's been up for over 2 hours!

It's typical for our birds to not be seen in their run until about 9am . . . and laying eggs doesn't explain it, none of them are laying, and they've been this way since we got them at 14 weeks old.

Of course, they go to bed like clockwork, within about 10 minutes of true dusk, which right now hovers at about 9pm. Maybe they're like me, and just need a lot of sleep! LOL!

Somewhere around 6am and 7am - then they have the option to be in the hen house or the fenced yard. They get to range in the evening when we are home.

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