Pollen alergees?


6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
Winton, North Carolina
Can chickens have alergees? We are having terrible pollen her even worse where the coop is located. Noticed a couple sneezing with no "not normal" noises and held the to listen. No discharge.
Animals can have allergies to things in their environment. I once had a hen that when ever our pollen count was through the roof and the wind was blowing fiercely, (days like this we humans were a mess, LOL) this bird's nose would run and she sneezed. When the pollen count went down and the wind stopped blowing, the sneezing stopped and her nose was again dry.

My dog vet says he gets lots of people bringing their dogs in with seasonal allergies.

So yes, I personally believe chickens as well can have allergies to certain pollens and other things in their environment.

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