Poop-Thru Roost


Sep 6, 2019
Gulf Coast
Does anyone here use a wire or hardware cloth panel under their roosting bars, so the poop falls through to the ground? I guess this is kind of like the opposite of a poop board.

I live in a warm climate, so cold isn’t a concern. I was going to build a platform floor across the whole coop, but I‘m thinking that the poop-thru option would be a lot cleaner and allow for more ventilation. I’ve done this in quail cages before, and it worked well.

I’d appreciate it if anyone could share their experiences with floors like this. Extra points for any pictures!
My brooder has a wire floor that the chicks live on. The poop falls on through so the brooder stays dry and keeps itself clean. No bedding at all. Some keep their chickens on wire. I've seen photos on here where people put bins under the roosts to catch droppings and put wire over those bins to keep the chickens out. I understand your thinking but do have a problem with it.

My grow-out coop has 1/2" hardwire cloth as the floor. The poop falls through until the regular sized chicks get to maybe 12 weeks, then the poop gets big enough so it does not fall through. For that to work for regular sized adult chickens you'd need to use 1" mesh. I've had a snake big enough to eat eggs or a baby chick get through 1" mesh. Mice can get through a 1" hole, I don't know if a rat could or not. Some weasels could get through.

You'd need 1" mesh for the poop to fall through but that's probably too big to keep all predators and rodents out.
My brooder has a wire floor that the chicks live on. The poop falls on through so the brooder stays dry and keeps itself clean. No bedding at all. Some keep their chickens on wire. I've seen photos on here where people put bins under the roosts to catch droppings and put wire over those bins to keep the chickens out. I understand your thinking but do have a problem with it.

My grow-out coop has 1/2" hardwire cloth as the floor. The poop falls through until the regular sized chicks get to maybe 12 weeks, then the poop gets big enough so it does not fall through. For that to work for regular sized adult chickens you'd need to use 1" mesh. I've had a snake big enough to eat eggs or a baby chick get through 1" mesh. Mice can get through a 1" hole, I don't know if a rat could or not. Some weasels could get through.

You'd need 1" mesh for the poop to fall through but that's probably too big to keep all predators and rodents out.
That is a great point -- thank you. I hadn't considered how the larger mesh would let much of the vermin through.

What are you using? Poop board? Or just hay/wood chips and mucking it out?
This is my setup. Came with the house. Works well. I just run a rake over the boards and the poop falls through. The front is blocked with chicken wire to keep the chickens from getting under there. Shovel it out every few months. Don't need to add any bedding underneath.

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