Poopy butt


8 Years
Aug 3, 2015
I believe one of my chickens is sick. She has a very poopy butt and I'm having to rinse it off. It smells worse than regular chicken poop. I trimmed her fluff but that didn't help. I've checked her closely and there isn't any signs of pest hanging around. She is going in the nest box at night. She feels thinner as well. I'd appreciate any insite you have to share.
How old is she? Has she been laying eggs? Is her crop emptying overnight? Cecal poop smell s especially bad and is sticky. Can you post some picture of her and her poop? Will she eat some egg and mushy wet feed if you offer her that? I will check back in the morning.
How old is she? Has she been laying eggs? Is her crop emptying overnight? Cecal poop smell s especially bad and is sticky. Can you post some picture of her and her poop? Will she eat some egg and mushy wet feed if you offer her that? I will check back in the

How old is she? Has she been laying eggs? Is her crop emptying overnight? Cecal poop smell s especially bad and is sticky. Can you post some picture of her and her poop? Will she eat some egg and mushy wet feed if you offer her that? I will check back in the morning.
She's 3 1/2 years old. She has been laying eggs but not this week, that I can tell. Her eggs are always huge. I do think your correct that it's Cecal Poop but why would it suddenly start sticking? I tried and failed to get a good picture. When her cecal poop sticks, then I think the other poops pile up on it? Today, I've had to wash it off twice so far. Her crop is full and harder than it should be, it feels gritty. Unfortunately, they have an auto door and I didn't make it out early enough to see if it's emptying.
Can you check her crop early before she eats or drinks in the morning to see if it has emptied? At her age reproductive disorders can be common. Other possibilities that may cause weight loss in hens would be cancer or crop problems. My hens who took to the nest box at night like that had various reproductive problems and didn’t feel well.
She's 3 1/2 years old. She has been laying eggs but not this week, that I can tell. Her eggs are always huge. I do think your correct that it's Cecal Poop but why would it suddenly start sticking? I tried and failed to get a good picture. When her cecal poop sticks, then I think the other poops pile up on it? Today, I've had to wash it off twice so far. Her crop is full and harder than it should be, it feels gritty. Unfortunately, they have an auto door and I didn't make it out early enough to see if it's emptying.
This morning her crop was much smaller and the little that was left still felt gritty. I gave her wet food and she went right to it. Her Butt is still nasty. I don't know how to help her...

I really do appreciate your help, thank you
Can you soak her in a shallow warm soapy pan of water, and clean her up? Then take a picture of her vent area to post here. You may need to trim some of the extra fluff that is catching her droppings. Will she eat her chicken feed dry? The wet feed may cause more runny poop. You could try feeding her a small portion of cooked rice with some buttermilk or a little plain yogurt once, to see if it firms up her poops. Probiotics are in plain yogurt and you can also try some commercial ones for animals. Have you wormed her recently?
I will try all of your suggestions, thank you. Which wormer do you use?

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