Poopy butts on 1 1/2 week old chicks


7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
Lorenzo, TX
I have 5 bantum brahma chicks. Yesterday they all had a lot of poop build up on their bottoms. I gave them baths and brought them inside so I could watch them closer (they were in the shop). Today 1 of them had a lot of poop built up on her bottoms again, so another bath. My question is why would they have so much poop building up on their bottoms, Is there something going on causing this? My 6 week olds didn't have this problem, they are standard size pullets. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Here's what they are getting: Chick Starter, water with a bit of apple cider vinegar, they are in a large box with pine shavings and a heat lamp, keeping the area at about 88-90 F. I tried to give them yogurt (plain greek) yesterday, they weren't interested in it, other than walking through the bowl.
Hi :)

This sounds like pasty butt, and it happens to some chicks. Some people say it is worse if they are eating the pine shavings. Just keep giving them baths, and they should grow out of it in a week or two. If you don't clean off the poop, they will get backed up and die. The AVC is good for them, but I don't know it it helps with the pasty butt.

Mine also didn't know what to do with the yogurt at first - I dumped a bunch of chick crumbles in there to get them interested, and now they love it!

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