Poor chick


10 Years
Jul 24, 2010
Beautiful Lake County
Truthfully, I brought the chick inside to die in peace. I have two of the worst broodies in the world and this lone 8 hour old chick was a bloody mess on the floor of the coop.
Day 3 has me refilling the jars of hot water to keep it warm, giving it water with an old syringe. One eye is gone, the other not open, It takes water, haven’t seen it eat. It just peeps on contentedly.
Part of me thinks it would be easier it the poor thing passed, I don’t need a blind house chicken, I already have 2 coops full. But, if it has the will, far be it for me to interfere.
When chicks hatch there is enough absorbed egg yolk to sustain life for three days (the reason why hatcheries ship newly hatched chicks). That said, your chick needs to eat soon if it is to survive. If you're willing try putting a little sugar dissolved in its drinking water or vitamins. If the closed eye is damaged beyond healing it would be kindest to euthanize...
When chicks hatch there is enough absorbed egg yolk to sustain life for three days (the reason why hatcheries ship newly hatched chicks). That said, your chick needs to eat soon if it is to survive. If you're willing try putting a little sugar dissolved in its drinking water or vitamins. If the closed eye is damaged beyond healing it would be kindest to euthanize...
Give her some egg yolk, sugar water/honey water, and apple cider vinegar. Put her under a heat lamp or even in a incubator that isn't turning.
Thank you for your kind advice, I have considered euthanasia but if the one eye is fine, so it is.
A heat lamp would be easier but I live off grid and things that create heat from electricity are a no go. So hot water bottle it is.
At this point it s not suffering that I can see. Act just like any other chick. Time will tell how this ends up. I am amazed by the tenacity of life.
wow that's amazing. I had a broody mama that ate 2/3 babies (like the entire baby) but we got there in time to save chicka little. Also if she does turn out blind I can offer advice on blind chickens. I have had one myself and can also offer advice on half blind chickens as being I have one of those.

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