poor chicken


Mar 11, 2017
Hi - I am new to this site and fairly new to chickens One of my chickens - Rhode island red - is not leaving the chicken coop. I have read several of the posts on this site and looked online about sick chickens.
1.Margaret does not have a runny eye or anything coming out of her beak.
2 Her comb feels the same and is standing as it should.
3 Her feet - one felt cold and one felt warm.
4. She is not Broody - she stands on the perch all day it seems
5 Today she left the perch to go into the field and Rocky the Rooster pecked at her and she ran back in
6 she knows the routine and has lived here since e brought her home as a baby
7 I am not sure she has been laying eggs and wondered if she somehow was backed up
8 I am not sure about her poop - there is some blackish looking liquid. I looked on her hind end and did not see anything unusual
9 I am not sure she is talking much
10 I do not know if she is eating
11 Rocky has removed lots of the feathers all of my girls back because he is "so in love"
12 she feels a little rougher than normal but we

have had a lot of rain lately

What do you think?
Tera in Talent
Hi and welcome to BYC - thanks for joining us. It could well be that she is avoiding the attentions of your cock bird. Maybe you could could separate him from the flock and see if she perks up. What's you cock:hen ratio? Feel free to post on the ER forum - https://www.backyardchickens.com/forums/threads/add/forumId/10 as there may be something wrong with her, which will naturally cause other flock members to attack her, in an attempt to drive her from the flock.

Best wishes
thanks I posted the chicken/rooster ratio on the ER link

No problem. You will likely get advice that you need more females to prevent over-mating - this can cause stress that may be the issue, but lets see what others over in the ER forum think. It's always better to have multiple opinions / suggestions.
You could tell us the rooster to hen ratio also. Generally a rooster can handle 10 hens. Less and they tend to get overbred and sometimes physically damaged- bald areas etc. The hens that don't fight him off or are too slow to hide, get bred frequently. If you don't need a rooster for fertile eggs to hatch or sell - believe me your hen(s) will be much happier without one. They will continue to lay just as many eggs albeit non-fertile.
You could tell us the rooster to hen ratio also. Generally a rooster can handle 10 hens. Less and they tend to get overbred and sometimes physically damaged- bald areas etc. The hens that don't fight him off or are too slow to hide, get bred frequently. If you don't need a rooster for fertile eggs to hatch or sell - believe me your hen(s) will be much happier without one. They will continue to lay just as many eggs albeit non-fertile.

It's 1:4, DD
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Best of luck to you!
Hello, and welcome to the forum! I am fixing to celebrate my first year on here, and I have loved it so much, I hope you will too! There is tons of great info and friendly folks, so pull up a chair and make yourself at home! :frow

G’Day from down under Tera

I hope you are able to determine what ails Margaret.

You might want to also pop in and say hello on your local thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/26/where-am-i-where-are-you ‘Find your State’s thread.

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

If you would like to share pictures and stories of your flock, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out

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