Poorly Henrietta

Hi Flock Master,
It's amazing, I thought poorly Henrietta has to wait a long time to get better. Prayers were answered and she is fine now. I isolated Henrietta for four weeks and kept her as adviced in semi-darkness to stop her from laying eggs. That failed as she kept producing the eggs, but having pushed the prolaps back, given her warm antiseptic baths and blowdried her gently she seemed to manage to keep the prolaps inside her. As we have summer here in the UK and the weather is very hot, i decided to let her join the others and it seemed to have done the trick. She spent the next half an hour on a dust bath and seemed to enjoy herself being with the other chicken. So I continued letting her stay and kept watching that she is alright. And she is, Yeephee.
Thanks for your concern and good wishes.
RM Teacher
Thank you so much for the update! I am so glad she survived and is now back in the flock. I hope she continues to thrive. :)
Hi to all,
I had sadly lost my prime Chicken to a fox and was left with only my Henrietta who has made a complete recovery from her prolaps. I was concerned of her being on her own and therefore decided to buy three new chickens which were advertised locally on the internet. The chicken were in a very poor state and I bought them out of compassion to give them a new lease of life. Unfortunately, Henrietta much older started to attack the new chicken. I know there is a pecking order among chicken, but can it be that she is jealous as she used to be controlled by the one the fox had. I had to separate her during the night from the new ones and will try to bring them back together during the daytime. Has anybody any suggestions how to proceed in this matter. As I think the new chickens need some rest before I can leave them to themselves to sort the pecking order out.
I appriciate your comments
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Hi to all,
I had sadly lost my prime Chicken to a fox and was left with only my Henrietta who has made a complete recovery from her prolaps. I was concerned of her being on her own and therefore decided to buy three new chickens which were advertised locally on the internet. The chicken were in a very poor state and I bought them out of compassion to give them a new lease of life. Unfortunately, Henrietta much older started to attack the new chicken. I know there is a pecking order among chicken, but can it be that she is jealous as she used to be controlled by the one the fox had. I had to separate her during the night from the new ones and will try to bring them back together during the daytime. Has anybody any suggestions how to proceed in this matter. As I think the new chickens need some rest before I can leave them to themselves to sort the pecking order out.
I appriciate you comments
OH I am so sorry about the fox attack! Predators are brutal. But I am happy to hear Henrietta made a full recovery!

The best way to mix new birds into an existing or even a 1 bird flock is do it slowly. Put the new birds in an enclosure or wire dog crate in within the coop and run. Everybody sees, nobody touches. Leave these new birds like this for about 3 weeks. This also acts as a quarantine time as well. After several weeks, you can mix the flock. The aggression should be far less or minimal.

I would give these new birds a good once over. Look for mites, lice, get them wormed too. No doubt if they come from bad conditions, they are loaded with parasites in the inside and the outside. Watch for runny noses and other respiratory ailments. If they are really sick, you may not want to expose your Henrietta.

Good luck and thank you for the update!!

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