Porcelain d’uccle rooster for free!

CrazyChicken Lady

My Ducks are in a row🦆🦆🦆
May 25, 2020

We bought Loui here for 4H a couple of years ago. We don’t use him any more so if you want him for free you can have him. He’s three years old and a bantam breed so he’s not the biggest rooster. I live in the Kansas City area so if your interested please contact me.
If you haven't already found a home for him there's a thread about this certain color of d'uccle , you could try posting there, hope you find a good home for him. he's gorgeous
Yes I posted on the thread to see if anyone wanted him but still nothing ( posted it a week ago ) and it’s fine about the link I don’t know how to either😂
😂 Good at least I'm not the only one 😂😂😂😂I really hope you find a good home for him , I love d' uccles so much and want to get them soon!
Once I get my own property I'm gonna !!!🙂

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