Porcelain Silkies

Oh yay! That would be awesome. Keep some good diversity in the flocks going :D
I got these from Washington State and hatched them out. I'm going to have to get a few more. I have one porcelain and two buffs. So I need to order some lavs and more porcelains. I also have two paints. I'm not sure if ill be keeping them or not yet. Depends on if its a male and female LOL.
I'm going to have to make all mine, I'm afraid. It's the most fun way to go though. I keep buying eggs! I'm starting with a lot of eggs from many sources. Hard to find though. And waiting is tough. Hurry up and wait. ;)
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Subscribing to thread. I just hatched a Bobbi Porto porcelain chick. She described it as coming from "dark porcelain roo with porcelain hens." I can't wait to see how this chick grows out. I have another porcelain chick from her that looks white so far. I love her silkies!
I am also in the market for some Porcelain and lavender hatching eggs ^_^
Question: what happens when you breed porcelain back to buff and then those chicks back to porcelain? I hatched out that one little porcelain and two buffs. Of course I have zero clue what sex these little bugger are yet XD
One Week old today I am very happy with how this little porcelain is turning out

His color in natural light, the ones of me holding him are the best representation for his color.

Look at these feet!!!


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