Possible Allergy to Duck Eggs??

I also have lactose intolerance, but it is not based on fat content. With lactose intolerance it is the sugar in diary (lactose) that your body cannot digest. When your body lacks the appropriate enzymes (lactase) to digest the lactose your system will (in my experience) try to dump/expel it as fast as possible. Coincidently when you have diarrhea you also expel all of your lactase enzymes. So after having an overdose of lactose and diarrhea you will loose what tolerance you may have built up. You can build up your tolerance (usually) by avoiding dairy as much as possible so your body can heal and stock up on enzymes. This would allow you to eat small regular amounts of diary while maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Fermented products are easier on your system since there are bacteria already in the product breaking down the lactose for you. Harder cheeses are also easier to digest than softer. I can have butter, cheese, yogurt, and the occasional ice cream. However a cream sauce, brie, or glass of milk would push me over the edge and I would have to avoid it completely for a while. So many people tell me they've gone to Dr. after Dr. for diarrhea and no one told them to avoid dairy. (I worked at a health food store)
Well I have to say I'm missing part of my stomach and about 10% of intestine. That plays a factor in it. I can load up on sugar without a problem. I've just noticed that it is the fat content in milk. My doctor told me that this is common for people like me. The 10% intestine loss is to blame for the fat intolerance in milk and cream. Ironically I only have to drink 8 ounces of 4% milk and I'm dumping 15 minutes later. I do not need any meds to empty out for some tests at the hospital. LOL I can drink 2% after dumping without any effect. So I'm not really lactose intolerant. I know people that are and it is kind of different for them.
We bought our first ducks this March and started eating eggs about July / August.I am very sorry to say that I am thinking I am allergic to duck eggs, which stinks because I have 5-6 fresh eggs laid daily. I also noticed for the past few years that I have intense pain in my stomach after eating chicken eggs which really stinks because I get about 2 dozen a day. After I eat duck eggs my tongue, throat and lips swell and I get a headache dizziness and vomit uncontrollably for 4-6 hours. I went to the ER in August thinking I had some kind of flu or possible gallbladder ( because I just had my 3rd child). The Dr. ran all kinds of tests and diagnosed me with dehydration ( which I obviously knew that ) and sent me home with anti- vomiting medication, which I never filled. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms?
Well, it's safe to say you have an allergy to duck eggs if you're mouth swells with vomiting! Those are classic symptoms. When you have pain in your stomach after chicken eggs, I might say it's an intolerance. Proteins are the cause of allergies. However a lot of people react to the sulfur in the yolks. While not being a true allergy, it can cause serious problems just like an allergy. There could be more to it than that. Maybe the fat content, or maybe your chickens have something in their feed or water that is making you sick.

In any case, you know your body best! Follow what's right for you. And always make sure you have clean water and food sources for your animals! If it is sulphur, you should watch to see what happens when you eat other sulfites and sulphates. Dried fruit, wine, and eggs are the most common things I can think of as containing sulfites. There are more. Bacon and lots of meat products that have been smoked or cured too I think. My lips also swell up severely from drinking wine (chicken eggs, brewers yeast, and pineapple), but duck (goose, and quail) eggs are fine. That's where it all comes down to knowing what is best for you!
The coops are cleaned once a week, and fed fresh water and food twice a day. They are fed high quality feed too and are completely free range during the day (no pen). But I am allergic to Sulfa drugs ( can't take any antibiotics with Sulfur) !!! Crazy that I never put two and two together! Also can't eat bacon always had stomach pain. Thank you so much Haazegirl!!!
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It's always good to figure things out! Glad I could help!
Wait Alm8807--you probably CAN have bacon....if you are able to seek out bacon that is naturally cured in a smokehouse and not artificially with sulphites. Food these days....is just not what it used to be. A lot of the time, Haazegirl is absoltely right, it is the additives that bother you, not the food itself. Personally, I am anaphylactic to penecillian and some other antibiotics. In the past I have had weird reactions....when I didn't have any medication or any mouldy bread or cheese.....now I realize that it was most likely from residues of antibiotics in factory farmed meats. :( Now that I have my own farm and I have only eaten meat I have raised myself for years now...I haven't had a reaction for years and years.

About the ducks eggs....my husband is the exact same way. Too bad, cause he's really missing out!!
I completely agree with you HeatherFeather. I cannot wait until we are at the point where everything my family eats comes from my backyard. The food in the grocery store is disgusting, everything is loaded with chemicals. We just bought our house in April with 23 acres and had our 3rd baby in June so our farm is still small, we only have 30 chickens 10 ducks and 2 goats brother and sister that were born in May. I am hoping to add cows, turkeys, and some kids to have milk next spring/summer. We usually have vegetable garden too but didn't have time this year. My husband loves the duck eggs, I wish I could eat them. :(
Heh, guess we should start a mom's who farm blog... We raise conventional crops, but grow our homestead all organic. Total hypocrites! I write my advice in assumption that people experiencing these problems are one of 90% of the population who aren't accustomed to strange diets and why you can't eat doughnuts anymore! (Maybe that's just me) I'm on my 3rd major lifetime diet change due to allergies from each pregnancy.

We live in rural southern MN surrounded by corn and beans. We try to move our farm in a progressive direction, but also have to show profits and proof of conservation to fellow farming family members. We have 2 boys, rabbits, chickens, ducks, and geese currently. Half of us can eat chicken eggs, the other half duck and goose eggs. Our electric fence just got installed last weekend, and we have an idea what's going to make it's rounds grazing. We have not committed to anything though.

Yes, if you can find it there are alternatives out there for sulfite free foods! We settled on ordering our beef and pork from local organic producers. However once it's sent to the butcher is where these things are added. It's their own business and insurance at stake, so I can't really blame them. The closest thing I've found in our area is if I have the butcher cut the pieces but not smoke or cure them. Just have it cut like say, a pork belly. We could then bring it home, thaw it, cure it with salt, smoke it, then slice it ourselves. We have just started experimenting with this, and have smoked a rack of ribs, and a pot roast. By all means! Smoke the fattiest meats first, then you'll have experience before moving on to more challenging things! The ribs were almost great. A bit overderdone. Pot roast was awesome!

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