Possible ankle issue.


In the Brooder
May 27, 2021
My girl big momma has done something to her leg. She was fine when the girls were let out in the morning. She was in the nesting box when we left for town. Later that day she was limping and not wanting to walk on it. It has been a week now and she still does not want to put pressure on it. We have tried epsom salt soaks (this is all the vet told us to do), a splint, and at first we didnt isolate her but when the others started to mess with her we isolated her. She is outside during the day and we bring her in the house at night. She eats and drinks but after day 2 she has stopped laying. I hoped it would have resolved by now. I can tell she is slightly swollen at her ankle and she responds like she is in pain if I put pressure there. No sign of bubble foot. It is truly in her ankle and not foot. Am i just getting impatient or should she be improving by now? Should i be doing anything else? Should i spray it with vetrycin even if there is no wound? I am worried. I dont want to lose her. She is my favorite bird. She is my profile picture ❤ any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Is the swelling only in one ankle? If so, it sounds like a sprain or fracture, and those can take weeks to heal. Forcing her to rest it would be the best thing. Pictures of the legs would be helpful. No antiseptic is needed unless the skin is broken. Splinting can be done with the foot in a normal position, by applying padding, something stiff, and wrapping not too tight with vet wrap strips or tape. This finger splint which you may find in a pharmacy, can be taped in place to splint the ankle:
Is the swelling only in one ankle? If so, it sounds like a sprain or fracture, and those can take weeks to heal. Forcing her to rest it would be the best thing. Pictures of the legs would be helpful. No antiseptic is needed unless the skin is broken. Splinting can be done with the foot in a normal position, by applying padding, something stiff, and wrapping not too tight with vet wrap strips or tape. This finger splint which you may find in a pharmacy, can be taped in place to splint the ankle:
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://sunnysideupfarmhome.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/fracture-leg-1.jpg?w=320&imgrefurl=https://bitchinchickens.com/2020/08/06/fixing-fractured-chicken-bones/&tbnid=4URizMLjJfVlnM&vet=12ahUKEwiI-_y1pevxAhUKNa0KHThcD28QMygMegUIARDOAQ..i&docid=2fcBb9jUBp4H0M&w=320&h=237&q=splinting a broken bone in a chicken&hl=en-us&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwiI-_y1pevxAhUKNa0KHThcD28QMygMegUIARDOAQ
Thank you.Yes just one side. Her left side. Here are some pictures. In the one close up of her ankle my thumb is right where it is puffy and she is sore. The black spot on the front of her foot she has had since she was a baby. She is probly 9 months old.


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She does appear to have bumblefoot scabs on both footpads. They might benefit from daily soaks in warm Epsom salts. You can try to remove the scabs and to try to squeeze out any yellow core present. The knee joint is what is swollen.
Thank you.Yes just one side. Her left side. Here are some pictures. In the one close up of her ankle my thumb is right where it is puffy and she is sore. The black spot on the front of her foot she has had since she was a baby. She is probly 9 months old.
I removed the bumble foot scabs but found no core. I have continued the epsom salt soaks. I feel like her foot on her hurt leg is now turning in when she puts that foot down. 😩 not sure what else to do for her. I just wish she was showing improvement. We are at a stand still.

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