possible colors

Chicky Mama

10 Years
I have a few eggs in the bator that are blr wyandotte cockrel X s.blue cochin bantams and mf d'uccle pullet X wcb polish or mixed d'uccle (not 100% on which guy).Does anyone have these crosses or a good guess of what we might get? Thanks
I have a few eggs in the bator that are blr wyandotte cockrel X s.blue cochin bantams and mf d'uccle pullet X wcb polish or mixed d'uccle (not 100% on which guy).Does anyone have these crosses or a good guess of what we might get? Thanks

The calculator says for f1 on the blrw x lav: 50% blue, 50% black

There isn't an option for white crested black (?) but I think you'll get mostly black. Hope that helps! I only know how to use the "fast summary", still figuring out the rest


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