Possible egg bound Peking bantam pls help


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2022
image.jpg Pekkin bantam who keeps squatting as if to pass an egg but I don’t feel an egg in there. She started a day and half ago , she ran to her house as to lay but no egg comes. Shes mainly laying almost like she’s sitting on an egg. She seems to fall forward some and to the side almost like neurological but still seems more of egg bound symptoms. She seems to strain when she stands and then will lay right back down. She’s alert and eating well just not her normal self. She is “puffed out” and her body seems retracted towards the tail almost as if she is shorter if that makes sense. Her comb is still red.. pls help. This chicken is like my pet, very tame and treated like everyone treats their dog and I don’t want to lose her. Any advice would be appreciated


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I don’t feel an egg in there. She started a day and half ago , she ran to her house as to lay but no egg comes. Shes mainly laying almost like she’s sitting on an egg. She seems to fall forward some and to the side almost like neurological but still seems more of egg bound symptoms.
Welcome To BYC

Is she able to poop?

I would give her extra Calcium. You can give Caltrate, 1 tablet daily. She may be having a hard time expelling a soft shelled egg if you don't feel an egg inside the vent.
Keep her hydrated and eating.
Welcome To BYC

Is she able to poop?

I would give her extra Calcium. You can give Caltrate, 1 tablet daily. She may be having a hard time expelling a soft shelled egg if you don't feel an egg inside the vent.
Keep her hydrated and eating.
Yes her poop is dark green with white through it. She seems normal all except she keeps laying back down immediately when she’s up. And she arches her back and seems to strain and i just seen her wiggle her back end as if to shake something out. She has to be egg bound. I just can’t see anything else that it looks like. I’m so worried. She literally loses her balance when walking and her wings sprawl out and she falls a little on her side. Able to get back up though. Could this be worms or vitamin deficiency?
Poor dear!
I agree, it does sound like she's struggling to expel an egg.
She may have some pressure on the nerves in her legs which could cause her to have difficulty walking.
I would get the Calcium into her. If she's not lethargic, you can try a soak in a warm epsom salts bath or place her on a heating pad, just monitor her that she doesn't get too hot on the pad.
Keeping her hydrated is important too, so if she's drinking, that's good.

What do you feed including treats?

Poor dear!
I agree, it does sound like she's struggling to expel an egg.
She may have some pressure on the nerves in her legs which could cause her to have difficulty walking.
I would get the Calcium into her. If she's not lethargic, you can try a soak in a warm epsom salts bath or place her on a heating pad, just monitor her that she doesn't get too hot on the pad.
Keeping her hydrated is important too, so if she's drinking, that's good.

What do you feed including treats?

I give her 4 grain scratch and meal worms or other store bought treats. Are there better things to feed. Lol. I’m a new chicken owner. Well about year but before I knew nothing about chickens. Also, I only have calcium with vit D Can she have that? How much calcium? Thank you so much for the information
I give her 4 grain scratch and meal worms or other store bought treats. Are there better things to feed. Lol. I’m a new chicken owner. Well about year but before I knew nothing about chickens. Also, I only have calcium with vit D Can she have that? How much calcium? Thank you so much for the information
Do you feed a poultry feed like Layer feed, All flock or something like that?
Is she your only chicken or do you have more?

Scratch, mealworms and treats are considered "treats", so it would be good to feed her a nutritionally balanced poultry feed. Part of her problem may be nutrition related. IF she's your only chicken, then I would pick up a small bag of feed so it will stay fresher, it would take a while to go through a 50lb bag :)
Provide her with oyster shell free choice. Limit the amount of scratch, meal worms and treats that she gets. Choose one of those as a daily treat.

As for the Calcium with D3, yes, she can have that. Not sure what you have, if you have a photo of the product that may help, but generally 1 tablet a day for 3-5 days.

She's a pretty little hen, I hope she starts to improve.

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