Possible feed issue???

Apr 1, 2022
Alton, IL
I recently switched from buying feed from TSC (30% gamebird starter & Layena layer feed) to feed that our grain elevator makes and sells. They say it is basically the same thing and is much cheaper. I have noticed an increase in aggression in my birds since I changed their feed. Does anyone know what could be missing that would be causing this? I have birds that I've had since Feb that were getting along perfectly and laying regularly and now they fight and egg production is down. I'm baffled. I transitioned them to the new feed gradually mixing their old feed with the new feed until it was nothing but the new feed. Has anyone else had this problem as well?
I think you need a precise list of ingredients and fat, protein content just like you get on the TSC feed bag to compare. I'd be a bit nervous about going off just the comment that "it's basically the same." I did have a bad experience with poor health and lowered egg production when I tried to make my own feed a few years back. It really does matter and I think you're right to suspect the feed change.
I think you need a precise list of ingredients and fat, protein content just like you get on the TSC feed bag to compare. I'd be a bit nervous about going off just the comment that "it's basically the same." I did have a bad experience with poor health and lowered egg production when I tried to make my own feed a few years back. It really does matter and I think you're right to suspect the feed change.
I will get in touch with the grain elevator and request the ingredient breakdown. The only feed I get from them that has a tag is the layer feed and it doesn't say much on it. I guess I'm going to have to go back to their original feed.
It would probably be a good idea to go back to original feed to see if the situation changes and then you'll know for sure. And in the meantime just try hard to get the breakout because I like you're original objective of not being tied to TSC.
That's what I'm planning to do. Luckily the elevator sells what I was using before and hopefully it is still cheaper through them. TSC has raised the prices of their feed by $2 & $3 a bag.
I recently switched from buying feed from TSC (30% gamebird starter & Layena layer feed) to feed that our grain elevator makes and sells. They say it is basically the same thing and is much cheaper. I have noticed an increase in aggression in my birds since I changed their feed. Does anyone know what could be missing that would be causing this? I have birds that I've had since Feb that were getting along perfectly and laying regularly and now they fight and egg production is down. I'm baffled. I transitioned them to the new feed gradually mixing their old feed with the new feed until it was nothing but the new feed. Has anyone else had this problem as well?
Maybe try using multiple feeders so they can feed without fighting for space.
Maybe try using multiple feeders so they can feed without fighting for space.
They aren't fighting over the food, they all have easy access to food. The only thing that I had changed was the food that I am giving them. I suspect that next month when I buy the food that I had been giving them, I will notice a big difference. I have also noticed that they aren't growing as fast as with their old food.
You don't have a feed analysis sheet to compare the nutritional information? You should demand one, I thought they have to provide them with every bag.
I have a very brief analysis sheet for the layer feed but nothing on the starter feed. I've decided to go back to what I was feeding them before and will have a talk with the people at the Grain elevator. The mix that I get from them is called Check-R-Lay and Check-R-Mix L.C. by Ralston Purina.
Massey Game Starter Crumbs.jpg
if my feed doesn't come with this, I don't trust it! I am curious if a feed can be so different it causes aggression though, are there any other possible factors?

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