Possible impacted crop, help?


Jul 19, 2015
I have a bantam Cochin hen with a large egg-sized lump to the right of her breast. I'm pretty sure it's her crop as I can feel grit and junk in it. It is so much bigger than normal and it didn't empty at all today, what should I do? The vet's office nearby doesn't open again until Tuesday and I don't want to end up having waited too long. She is still drinking and eating and doesn't seem too worse for wear, just broody.
Check her crop early tomorrow morning at daylight before she has eaten or drunk anything to see if it has emptied. If not separate her in a dog crate with water, and add electrolytes and vitamins if you have them. Make sure that she is drinking, and massage her crop several times a day. If you can get her to a vet to empty her crop that would be best. Here is a good article about crop disorders:
I have a bantam Cochin hen with a large egg-sized lump to the right of her breast. I'm pretty sure it's her crop as I can feel grit and junk in it. It is so much bigger than normal and it didn't empty at all today, what should I do? The vet's office nearby doesn't open again until Tuesday and I don't want to end up having waited too long. She is still drinking and eating and doesn't seem too worse for wear, just broody.
DO NOT make her throw up. Lots of videos say to do so but it’s the fastest way to kill a chicken. Try yogurts and vitamin water supplements.

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