possible muddy run solution


10 Years
Feb 4, 2009
My run is all mud and i have to move coop. I am looking to expand and then i will no longer be able to move it. I thought of this and was wondering what y'all thought?
- what if i laid a piece of fencing down on the ground of half the run? Even maybe raise it the hieght of 2x4? That way they have access to bugs and grass but cant tare it up making mud.
I've read of others doing that, but it'd need to be hardware cloth, because larger wire would be too difficult to walk on, and would be hard on their feet.

Or you could just bring in several inches of sand. It drains well plus is easy to keep clean. I think I paid about $15 a ton the last time I brought in sand. You would need access to pick-up truck though.
Thank you,
once grass is gone I am going to get load of sand.
was thinking it would be nice . Maybe add two small runs just for grass and alternate them.
I'm not sure what type of runs you have, but with some fencing, wire cutters, and some zip ties, you could build a cover over the ground something like this:

It's hard to see but the plastic is inbetween two pieces of fencing. No matter how hard the wind blows the plastic stays put.
In the summer I have the same setup but I also shade it:

If you can cut wire fencing, can thread a zip tie you can build as many of these as you want.

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