Possible Mycoplasma & Tylan


6 Years
Jun 29, 2018
Hey guys,

So one of our neighbors chickens got into our fenced in property last week and now half my flock is exhibiting classic respiratory infection symptoms.

While we are awaiting the official test results from the vet, we were given Tylan Soluble to give in the water to treat the entire flock.

Tonight will be 48 hours of them taking the Tylan.

None of the original sick ones are worse, some seem a bit better, some seem the same and some that weren’t sick are now sick.

So my questions are:

Is this typical?

Trust me, I know it is not a “cold” but I’m trying to make sense of how it is affecting my flock. If there is a cold going around in school or an office, some will catch it and some won’t and some will get better quicker with treatment than others. Is it somewhat the same
with chickens?

Should I have seen more improvement by now?

Just an awful feeling seeing my girls (and guys) sick and worrying about the ones that aren’t.

If the Tylan ultimately doesn’t help and my flock is still sick - what other illnesses could it be?

They are typical realities symptoms ranging from a sneeze here and there but otherwise completely “fine”, to eyes shut and rattly open mouth breathing.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!
Most, if not all respiratory diseases will infect every chicken in your flock, including MG.
As a matter of fact, MG can be transmitted on your person. If you handle sick birds in one coop, then walk to another coop located elsewhere in your yard and handle birds, guess what? You've just infected those healthy birds. Diseases can be carried on your clothes, shoes, even tires.
Also there are different strains of MG, mild to severe symptoms. If in fact it's MG, you'd be better off treating your birds with Denagard (Tiamulin.) MG bacteria will eventually build resistance to Tylan. There is no resistance to Denagard and no egg withdrawal. There is a 3 day slaughter withdrawal though. Denagard can be purchased from QC Supply. Dont purchase Denagard until you get verification that your flock is MG infected.
Birds that survive MG even after treatment remain carriers for life.
You'll have maintain a closed flock. No new birds in, no birds out. No selling or giving away eggs to be hatched, as MG is passed through eggs.
Let's hope that the results dont come back positive for Coryza.
Infectious bronchitis might be another possibility. It tends to spread much easier from nearby birds, and symptoms include sneezing often and some congestion. Layers may have a decrease in laying, thin or wrinkled shells, and watery egg whites. It is the most common disease, a virus, and lasts about a month. Antibiotics don’t help. Birds can be carriers up to a year after recovery which usually happens in a month. If it turns out to be IB, then you can get rid of it by not hatching or adding birds for a year after the last bird gets recovers. Hopefully your flock will weather the storm.
Thank you! I have become quite a mycoplasma and respiratory expert over the past few days so I knew most of this information. :)

I’m not too concerned about Coryza because there is no smell. Can Coryza be present without the smell?

Most, if not all respiratory diseases will infect every chicken in your flock, including MG.
As a matter of fact, MG can be transmitted on your person. If you handle sick birds in one coop, then walk to another coop located elsewhere in your yard and handle birds, guess what? You've just infected those healthy birds. Diseases can be carried on your clothes, shoes, even tires.
Also there are different strains of MG, mild to severe symptoms. If in fact it's MG, you'd be better off treating your birds with Denagard (Tiamulin.) MG bacteria will eventually build resistance to Tylan. There is no resistance to Denagard and no egg withdrawal. There is a 3 day slaughter withdrawal though. Denagard can be purchased from QC Supply. Dont purchase Denagard until you get verification that your flock is MG infected.
Birds that survive MG even after treatment remain carriers for life.
You'll have maintain a closed flock. No new birds in, no birds out. No selling or giving away eggs to be hatched, as MG is passed through eggs.
Let's hope that the results dont come back positive for Coryza.
Thank you so much!

So far everyone’s laying normally and with normal eggs except for the girl who is doing the worst (who is my favorite, of course)

I hope it is IB and not mycoplasma. Seems a little less daunting.

Infectious bronchitis might be another possibility. It tends to spread much easier from nearby birds, and symptoms include sneezing often and some congestion. Layers may have a decrease in laying, thin or wrinkled shells, and watery egg whites. It is the most common disease, a virus, and lasts about a month. Antibiotics don’t help. Birds can be carriers up to a year after recovery which usually happens in a month. If it turns out to be IB, then you can get rid of it by not hatching or adding birds for a year after the last bird gets recovers. Hopefully your flock will weather the storm.
No, there's always a bad odor with coryza. It's also possible that birds can have multiple diseases at once, for example; MG and Coryza, MG and ILT, MG and IB...the list goes on and on.
When do you expect to get the results? Please post it when you get the chance.
Ugh. I truly hope this is just a simple case. :hmm

Could that be why some are doing better than others? Some have a complicated/multi issue illness?

I believe the vet will get the results today or tomorrow morning. So hopefully tomorrow at the latest.
Let's wait for the results from the vet, anything is guess work right now. In the meantime, it would be best to buy some Poultry Nutri Drench or Probios dispersible powder and give it to your birds to help build up their immune systems.
Poultry Nutri Drench is mixed in water, just follow the directions on the label and give it to your birds for no more than 5 days.
Probios is a powder that is sprinkled on top of their feed to be eaten.
untitledpro.png poultry-nutri-drench.jpg

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