Possible Red Shouldered Yokohama mix?

Chick CJ

13 Years
Dec 27, 2009
Okay, the person I got this chicken from said she thought it might be from her Red Shouldered Yokohama. Any ideas of breed or gender? Hatched Dec 9th, 2009 so she's 12 weeks old tomorrow.




Thanks, CJ
Great, thanks. Any idea as to gender? It is 12 weeks old so I think I should be able to tell if it were a rooster, but I am very new to this!
Ha, hey ChickenCharmer, I wondered if you would see this and post! Isn't she LOVELY! Everyone says they don't believe she is a chicken. SO different. She does look like the picture you sent only her color is different. Thank you to everyone for your posts and your help. I am HAPPY she is a girl!




We had someone who raises Yokohama chicken look at our bird, and says he/she is a possible red shouldered mix.
Just thought I'd hit up the folks here that have already answered this question for one,
What do you think??? Yoko or No Yoko...:lol:

(FYI 13 weeks old in photo)
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We had someone who raises Yokohama chicken look at our bird, and says he/she is a possible red shouldered mix.
Just thought I'd hit up the folks here that have already answered this question for one,
What do you think??? Yoko or No Yoko...

(FYI 13 weeks old in photo)
I am not an expert but it sure looks like one to me. Even more so than mine did. Since this post is so old, you might have more luck posting this in "what breed or gender is this" thread in the "Chicken Breeds" forum. I didn't even realize I was still subscribed to this thread. :) I gave my yokohama to my mother-in-law 2 years ago and she is still laying pretty, creamy white eggs!

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