Possible roosters?

ok, im seeing an unfortunate pattern with the sex..dangit!!! here is a link to the whole flock, just fyi.. I took these all this morning

<iframe src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid...3A393933F117261!48470&authkey=AF1krTDhfIRy6-U" width="165" height="128" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

just to make myself feel better, here is a few more pics of the flock and its entirety. i am posting mainly the 2 silverlaced (what exact breed???) and we think they are hens. ill tell ya what though, we are done buying non sexed chicks.. thisis 5 of 12 we have had roo's!

Why does one have a black and the other a red comb?

They look like Blue Australorps or something. One hen may have an undeveloped comb. If not, she may have what's called "gypsy color." That's where the skin, comb and wattles are a purplish-a characteristic of some breeds, i.e. Silkies and Sumatras. A Blue Australorp shouldn't have one, but you never know.
ok, im seeing an unfortunate pattern with the sex..dangit!!! here is a link to the whole flock, just fyi.. I took these all this morning

<iframe src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid...3A393933F117261!48470&authkey=AF1krTDhfIRy6-U" width="165" height="128" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

just to make myself feel better, here is a few more pics of the flock and its entirety. i am posting mainly the 2 silverlaced (what exact breed???) and we think they are hens. ill tell ya what though, we are done buying non sexed chicks.. thisis 5 of 12 we have had roo's!

Why does one have a black and the other a red comb?

Those aren't Silver Laced anything. They are Blue. And they look like Australorps. The one with a dark comb has what is commonly called 'Gypsy face.' It is caused by certain melanizing genes associated with the extended black pattern gene. Birds with gypsy face tend to grow out of it as they mature. It is purely cosmetic. Both look like pullets.
Your pretty blue birds are female

5 out of 12 birds is pretty much dead on for the average of straight run birds. But I agree, buying sexed chicks is so much easier down the road.
We are getting some of our friends Black Austrolops and another Buff. Going to get rid of the roosters. What stinks most is that we incubated 7 of our eggs and only the Barred Rock made it and this is one of the roosters. Oh well I guess.
So when purchasing chicks, is buying sexlinked / online the more normal thing to do? I wouldn't know where to look, locally, for just a few. Online seems you have to buy 20 to have them ship to you. Would be nice to find somewhere to buy only 3 or so and have them shipped. We already have 12. We don't want 50 pet chickens!
So when purchasing chicks, is buying sexlinked / online the more normal thing to do? I wouldn't know where to look, locally, for just a few. Online seems you have to buy 20 to have them ship to you. Would be nice to find somewhere to buy only 3 or so and have them shipped. We already have 12. We don't want 50 pet chickens!
Most people start off with buying chicks at a local feed store. Most offer chicks from February through July. You may be able to ask on a local facebook Buy/Sell/Trade page, or you can search for a thread for your region in the "Where am I? Where are you?" section.
Some hatcheries do offer small orders, but the shipping fees are expensive. Cackle Hatchery, Meyer Hatchery, and MyPetChicken.com all offer small orders.
Barred Rock, brown one and the white one (not sure what breed). Thinking they are roosters due to the sattle feathers. They are barely 3 months.

Please excuse the horrible photos.

Hoping we don't have roosters since we had to get rid of the other two.

Red: Yes
White: Probably
Barred: Not sure
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