Possible "stuck" egg


9 Years
Aug 23, 2010
State of confusion
Not quite sure how to term this or what to call it. For the past few weeks my Ameraucana hen, Hawk Eye, has been laying funny shaped eggs. They are also a bit larger than anything she has laid before, the tip is like a slightly twisted ice cream cone to it too, almost like someone pinched it off. This past week she has stopped laying eggs every day like she use to, she is over a year and 4 months now. It got so she lays an egg every 2 to 3 days.

Today, when I went out to feed and gather eggs for the evening, Hawk eye was straining, a bit of watery feces came out, she would take a step, then squat and more feces. Stood, stepped and this time, really strained and a perfectly formed egg, minus the shell, slid out and ALL the hens went running to gobble it up. Once she did that she walked away and acted normal. Is this the start of egg bound? Could another egg be stuck somewhere?

What can I do? What should I do? I am going to bring her in tonight and keep her from the flock for a few days, see if she is impacted and go from there.
We left her be, I went out to check on her and she was moving around, scratching, acting like a normal hen. Going to put out more grit, more oyster shells, keep an eye on her tomorrow and as you said, see how she does then. She is a nervous hen, we had some problems with two raccoons, who are no longer an issue, so I had thought that perhaps it effected all my hens, not just the older pullets, two of whom I lost.

Thank you for the ideas.

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