Possible that I got a roo fron the pullet bin???

My first batch of chicks, ever, were 8 "pullets" of all different breeds. I like variety. One of them was an accidental roo, and he is now my dominant rooster in a very large flock. He was an EE, and they're hard to tell by that pea comb... by the time he crowed at about 11 weeks, I was already in love with him. Just changed his name slightly: from Carly to Carl.

Funny story on myself: I was really invested in that "90 percent accurate" gender thing with the "pullets." I was SO new with chickens I didn't realize that hens have combs, too - I thought only roosters did! Doh!

So, about four weeks into this first experience, I thought, "Oh NO! I have ALL roosters! How's that for 90 percent accuracy! Auuughhhh!!!"

Oh it happens. Twice in my case
Did not appreciate it one bit either
I'm not an expert, by any means!!! but I've found the barred rocks and cuckoo marans (very similar in looks, except leg color) that have small white spots on their heads are usually females. The chicks with big fuzzy white spots on their heads are usually males.

Yes it is possible to get a roo chick from the pullet bin!! The experts sometimes make mistakes.
I just sold 3 Roos out of 12 pullets I bought. I guess I was one of those unlucky ones who got the boys out of every bin! I did get one of every breed, that makes my odds worse I think... LOL! So I got 2 new chicks today! LOL Adroable Welsummers!
I've had that happen to me so many times. I got my first batch of turken chicks from a feed store. How Could you believe this creature was supposed to be a pullet?


Then we got a batch from another feed store. All of them were said to be pullets..Well..We got two cockerels.



In fact,almost everytime I get a chick from a feed store,one turns out to be a cockerel!

I'm not an expert on BR..But I'm guessing it's a roo?
Haha,I hope if he is one,he'll be gorgeous. I love BR roosters.
(Even though I've only seen one once)

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