Possibly a Wheaton Wyandotte?

In my opinion, that bird looks alot like a BLR wyandotte. Here's the main reason I say that: Most patterned colors go through a calcaphony of different patterns and colors, before finally arriving at there color pattern (in this case BLR). Hope this helps.
I've raised lots BLRW chicks and none looked like this. Did she come from a breeder or a hatchery? She looks almost like an EE and maybe Partridge Wyandotte.....but you may just have to wait until she gets older
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Not a Blue Laced Red,
Most BLR Wyandottes have Rhode Island Red in then to give them the dark red color but looking at the picture you posted I would say that someone was either using a very light R.I. Red in there breeding program or a New Hampshire.

If a straight comb rooster bred a pea comb hen, what would the chicks be? I'm asking becuase if they would be straight combed, this is definitely a Wyandotte.
If a straight comb rooster bred a pea comb hen, what would the chicks be

If both the patient were pure for comb type, then the offspring would have pea comb.
But that really isn't help you much since most EE's are not pure for comb type and can have any type comb also if one would cross a New Hampshire with a Wyandotte the offspring should have Rose Comb.

At best I would call your chick a cross.


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