Possibly eggbound duck, question about Calcium gluconate 23% solution

Im very sad to say she passed away last night :(
I dont think I started the antibiotic soon enough because I was treating her with calcium for eggbound when it was really something else, likely the peritonitus.
Very sad today.
So sorry for your loss…we had the same thing happen last week and she passed away as well 😢 It’s heartbreaking to experience
here's pics, she has been acting like trying to push out an egg @Quatie
I brought her inside for a warm bath and gave her calcium citrate ( a pill for people) that I crushed and mixed with water in a syringe. and I put some in a bowl with peas. I kept her inside overnight I will see this morning how shes doing (s00n)
Hi! Did you end up giving it orally? How did you give it to your duck? Please help

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