Possum got my silkie (s) Shotgun got the possum

Guinea Goonie

Roosting Elsewhere
12 Years
Sep 2, 2008
Peace Valley in Howell County Missouri
Well, here it is. The winter months are apon us and the critters are out looking for a nice warm meal. This evening when I went to the barn and started closing up, of course gathering the silkies in the corners of the barn to put them in the wire mesh stalls. I uncovered a board to see if there were any eggs between two hay bails and a possum looked me in the eye. So, i went to the "office" of the barn, retrieved my 20 guage pump and blew him to the rainbow bridge and over.

He got on of my nice white silkie hens and started on another. Now I have a hurt silkie in the house. I do not know if she will make it, but I put on "wonder dust". She has two wounds were the possum started to get the feathers off for a feast. Now i know what a possum kill looks like. I just do not know what else to do for the hen. If she makes it till morning, I will start antibiotics, minerals and vitamines. She is not eating or drinking, just in shock. She is not bleeding very much and now the wonder dust has stoped this completely.

I know some of you do not like weapons. However, had I not had my 20 guage close by I would have let a possum live and probably come back for more of my silkies.

I keep telling everyone on this forum how important it is to have a good pump shotgun handy, to learn to use it and not be afraid to kill your predators.

The chickens sure did not seem to mind the noise. They all went right back to sleep.

Take care of your flock.
Glad you got the thing. Possums seem to be out in force this season.

I don't think I could get away with a shotgun blast in my neighborhood.
A few well placed paintball shots and then a shovel is my option.

Best of luck with your silkie.
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thanks for sharing the story. sorry about your silkies... not sorry about the possum.

by the way, your subject/title sounds like it should be a new country song...
the kind you'd listen to while cleaning out the coop/barn...
ya need a CO2 pellet gun ,, ive gotten LOTS of animals with em,, hehe

I have a pistol and a pump pellet rifle with pointed pellets. The pistols
accuracy is limited and the pump rifle takes too long in between shots.

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