Possums and skunks

Check the liver. If an animal has rabies it will show in the liver and you will know if they carry it by behavior . I’m not ignorant I know my stuff but to each their own :)
Checking the liver requires dissection which requires handling the skunk which opens you to the possibility of contracting rabies. Best to just bury it quickly.
Rabies is diagnosed from brain tissue, not by looking at the liver.
I’m telling you if an animal is sick you will know by the liver. From a butcher and a doctor. Have a nice day
We don’t feed our animals sick animals and do research before slaughter . We also have contact with our local dnr.
Think what you will. I work closely with many who know what they are talking about and the liver tells all. It will show spots on it and will not be clean and bright red in an infected animal. I will not argue further. Generations of common sense and farming practices in my family and group of friends. Think what you will, you will not dissasuade me. Good day.
Think what you will. I work closely with many who know what they are talking about and the liver tells all. It will show spots on it and will not be clean and bright red in an infected animal. I will not argue further. Generations of common sense and farming practices in my family and group of friends. Think what you will, you will not dissasuade me. Good day.
The condition of the liver tells many things but is not an indicator of rabies.

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