Post egg bound chicken not doing well


11 Years
Feb 3, 2008
Raymond, Mississippi
My little Serama mother of seven chicks who are 5 weeks old was egg bound this morning. I soaked her in warm water and helped her successfully pass the egg which was hard shelled and intact. Later today she was able to walk around a bit and eat, but this evening she did not get on the roost. She was laying on the ground in the pen and having difficulty walking again. I brought her inside and noticed her crop was very full and squishy. Her abdomen is rather swollen looking which I would guess is because of helping her get the egg out. I gave her a couple of drops of Poly Visol liquid baby vitamins, a few broken up Honey Nut Cheerios, a couple of mm of water and a bit of raw egg. She perked up a bit. Later tonight her breathing was a bit labored, so I massaged her crop and moved her box under a bright lamp. Then I gave her a half of a low dose aspirin. Is there anything else I should be doing? I would hate to lose her. She is only a year old and such a good mother. Thank you in advance for any suggestions at this stage. I cannot feel another egg in her abdomen. Oh, she has been eating chick starter grower because she is raising her 7 chicks, but I don't think calcium is the issue since her egg was hard shelled.
I am still going through the same thing but no egg this time, I didn't think she was going to make it through the night, but i had colloidal sliver and started her on a teaspoon of that on organic whole grain bread, she loves it, then i give her a human pro biotic capsule-broke open on spinach, midday and another dose of the silver at nite, she is looking a little better today, not great, but better and alot perkier.. even picking at her food etc.. sorry i can't help you more.. I used the silver because i figured its safe and pretty potent.. Herbal has it , its good stuff, i take it myself.. I will let you know how it goes of luck, perhaps someone else on here will be able to help more?
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She wasn't much better this morning when I left for Bible study, but when I got home this afternoon, she was almost back to normal. Before I left home, I put her back in the pen with her babies, and she scooted to a shady corner. All her chicks stopped what they were doing and laid down beside her. It broke my heart! I had given her some honey water and VermX worm medicine last night. She was scheduled for her monthly worming on the 7th this month anyway. I stopped at the store on the way home and bought electrolytes, plain no-fat yogurt, new Poly-Visol, and some sort of liquid baby fever reducer. I also had my vet prescribe some Baytril. Fortunately, all she seemed to need was yogurt! :) How is yours today? Even though there were a few chuckles at Bible study when I asked prayer for our hens, I know in my heart most of my prayer buddies are praying for them both. I also believe since God created everything for his glory, that they will be with Him if they don't get to stay with us. :)
I'm glad to hear your girls are both doing better... I would think yogurt would help their systems return to normal.... I recently had a scare with one of my girls...
Well, after I checked her abdomen and watched to see if she was hanging around the nest box or squatting, straining or tail-pumping, I ruled out the possibility of being egg-bound... I still don't know, but she still isn't laying....

Have a good evening!
I also believe since God created everything for his glory, that they will be with Him if they don't get to stay with us. :)

I love this! I truly believe it as well. I've had many pets pass away and I believe they are waiting in Heaven for me :)

Sorry, I don't have any advice for you, but it sounds to me like you are doing everything you can. I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my almost 3 year old white leghorn hen. About 3 weeks ago I noticed she was laying like crazy, one egg per day for about 10 days straight. Then she laid 2 "fart eggs" the following days after her egg-laying spree. Since then she has not laid an egg at all. A couple of days ago she was in the nesting box on another egg and singing her egg song, but she did not lay an egg. Today I noticed she had a soft shell hanging from her vent, so I cleaned it off and made sure her vent was clear. Her abdomen felt fine, but she is very lethargic today which is definitely not like her. I hope she isn't eggbound!

Good luck with your girl!
My exhibition Buff Orpington hen who had not laid in over a year laid about 6 eggs so far this year after I introduced a Welsummer hen and 3 Rhode Island Red pullets to the flock. I thought she was sick yesterday as she stayed on an empty nest all day except when I forced her off to see if she had laid again. She had not! Naturally, I began vitamin and electrolyte treatment, but today she still wanted to stay on that nest. Fortunately, there was an egg under her today! I gave her some yogurt, and have decided to let her set. Maybe she just wants a chick. There are so many peeping all around her in the Serama pens. I hope your hen will be OK. I had my little Serama inside again last night because she didn't have the strength to jump up onto the ramp to get in the coop. She is better, but still not 100%. I'm just so happy she is still alive! Do you know if pediatric liquid acetaminophen is OK for chickens instead of aspirin? It is just easier to get my little hen to take something from a dropper or syringe. She loves the Poly Visol liquid vitamins!

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