Post egg bound chicken not doing well

Glad she's still hanging in there!

I'm not sure about the liquid acetaminophen. I've never used it, so this is just a hunch, but I think it would be ok. I've never read anything that said don't give acetaminophen. I've never given them Poly Visol liquid vitamins either, so I might have to get some to keep on hand.
I'm not sure about the acetaminophen, good question....

Another liquid vitamin/mineral/probiotic is "rooster booster." I use it any time one is feeling bad or I get new birds....
Is rooster booster OK for hens, too? I have seen that online before. Have you used VermX for worming? I hope it is effective! You don't have to miss eating any eggs with this product. It is an all natural liquid that goes in their water once a month. I switched to it this spring. I have to dust with DE now because the VermX doesn't kill external parasites like Ivomectin, however.
This morning she was acting pretty lethargic and slow, which is HIGHLY unlike her. I checked on her again before I left for work and she was just sitting down with another hen. I'll definitely keep a close eye on her until she is back in business.
I have been having problems with one of my Buff Orpington hens displaying egg bound symptoms also, with the dragging bottom and barely walking, hardly eating. I did some research and found a product called Calciboost which is Liquid Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D3. It's supposed to help birds that are egg bound and calcium deficient. I gave my hen this and she seemed to improve. She laid soft shell eggs at first and now she laid a soft shell and hard shell all in one day. I finally broke down and took her to a Vet and his advice after x-rays was all her organs looked normal and he could see an egg but it looked thin shelled, but her oviduct looked in tact (all though x-rays can't see everything) and after conferring with an Avian expert, they wanted me to try to change her feed. I had not been feeding her Layers feed but trying to give her supplements that would give her the calcium and vitamins (more organic) that she needed. She's the only hen I've had problems with since I've switched feeds. So the advice was that poultry experts put a lot of research into making the feed for the birds' health and the egg production and to put her back on a layers feed. He said a few months should tell, but I feel like at least the Calciboost has helped her lay the eggs she's producing and she's not egg bound. The Vet agreed that I was right that she has a calcium problem but for me to be careful with administering the Vitamin D3, that too much could take a toll on her kidneys. She is now eating the Layena Plus and has been on it a week and a half. I'm crossing my fingers this helps her. I'm still giving her the Calciboost but not as often.
Thanks. I will look into the Calciboost and do some more research on feed. What do you know about when to stop calcium in older hens. I read that once they stop laying, even the layer feed can cause kidney damage. My Buff Orpington hen is four years old. Before I acquired the Welsummer hen who is laying, I was feeding the Buff Orpinton starter grower and offering crushed oyster shell regularly. She wasn't eating much oyster shell, so I figured she wasn't craving or needing it much. I also have a 4 year old Serama bantam hen who laid a few soft-shelled eggs this spring, and hasn't laid another egg since then. She is also back on starter-grower with oyster shell available. I don't want her to get kidney damage because she is such a good setter! When other Seramas lay but won't set, she becomes the surrogate mother.
I just read here on BYC that ACV (apple cider vinegar) helps with calcium uptake in deficient hens, maybe try a little - a lot of people here swear by it and use it daily, however, I never have....

"Rooster Booster" is fine for all poultry, sometime I should try the Poly-visol....I sometimes add a powder probiotic called Probios (feed store), my vet highly recommended it for any puny animals with upset stomach issues. It helped a sick heifer in April.

For worming, I ordered Valbazen over the internet. It came with directions and my birds blossomed after I gave it. I also switch out with "Pig Swig" to prevent worms building tolerance...

The Calciboost sounds like a good product, maybe I should get some to keep on hand. The magnesium is probably the key ingredient to help pass the egg - it's a good lubricant....
For the record, I try not to medicate unless it's truly needed. I worm 2x per year, in mid-spring and late fall...switching it up to keep the worms guessing :)

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