Post Peafowl Decorations, Jewelry, Clothing or anything Peafowl

So many artistic people on here! I love all the gorgeous stuff...especially PaintedHeather and MinxFox. Simply lovely!

Heres a pic of some pins my oldest won in a club called Odyssey of the Mind. The peacock bodies can end up with full trains...unfortunately these are all we have left of them. The kids ended up using the pins as trading pieces at the world now we have pieces of peacocks as well as some cute fans etc from Korea and other

I also have a peacock bedspread hand made by Inuit Eskimo's from when I was little and lived in Alaska. Nothing fancy but I love it. Its about 50 years old and got buried in my closet for the crime of being full sized in a queen sized home...
I'll try to get a pic of it tomorrow

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