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Meet Kingpin my Chocolate Orpington Rooster. C ant wait to get his chics. Waiting for my breeder to call and say they are hatched :)
Daisy likes being one of the top hens...

Injured orp update: she's kind of giving me mixed signals as to whether she is getting better or not. She looked dead miserable when I opened up the hut today but once I got her out she perked up a bit. I had to clean the shed out so I decided to do her wound treatment and then let her into the field with the others to air her wound out. She got a few funny looks, but no one started on her luckily. Wouldn't have mattered if they did because I would have fought them for her haha! Henry (Bella's boy) was being a little arse, he kept tormenting her doing the mating dance and was trying to get her and he wouldn't actually stop until I chased him off and stood right next to her. She really wasn't happy about that. Then when she was cleaning herself I could see him running up behind her so I shouted to try and make her alert and she didn't look! So I had to run down and stop him. He was really getting on my nerves!! When I put her back to bed and put her food in she ate well so I was pleased. She's now tucked up in bed with coco. Being ill didn't stop her ability to do a good stink eye!

Think all of my lot will be throwing themselves to foxes if they see what breakfast the orp gets...

Poor injured orp has a couple of lower girls starting on her. Thought she would back down but she looked insulted and stood up to them and they ran off. That's my girl! I'm acting as her personal body guard with the higher ones come though!

Someone needs to stop me from killing this cockerel (Bella's son) (just joking), he does my head in!! He won't leave poor orp alone when she's out!



Enjoying pumpkin


Bella tasting the pumpkin

Well I decided to make it my mission today to find the injured orps feathers to give me am idea of what happened to her. I managed to find them, not sure how I didn't see them before, but anyways I've narrowed it down to be a weasel/stoat. I originally thought she was took over the broken down wall further up, so I thought it could only be a fox. But in fact she wasn't dragged over it. She ran down the woods and went through the broken fence at the bottom and then realised she was cornered by the stoat the stream and the wall, so she went around the wall and squeezed through the fencing and got stuck so the stoat must have started ripping her feathers out until she pushed through and then it got her again and ripped more out and then something must have interrupted it all or the stoat give up and she made her way up to the broken down wall as it may have been familiar to her. And also a big clue is that when I was leaving the hens and set off walking down, a few meters from their gate there is a squished weasel/stoat on the road which would explain why I've had no bother since that day...

Btw its not my belly in the first pic, its just my jacket folded together sticking out!



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