Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

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This is 'Chester'. I got him at a swap, and was told he's a Blue Laced Orpington.
(I'm treating him for some light frostbite)
I'd like opinions on his coloring.

Here are some photos of the 4 kids I hatched with him & my Splash Orp roo
over Buff Orp hens, & 1 Splash Orp hen.

1 is a boy & he's Buff with Blue under color.
Then I have a Blue/Brown/Buff Laced girl.
Then there are 2 Buff girls, but one is darker than the other.
This is their hatch mates, one Naked Neck from my green Easter egg & 4 Silkies.
It's going to be hard to part with them for sure.
I think I'll keep the Laced girl just for some different eye candy in the laying coop.
The 2 Buff girls have some Blue coloring on their wings,
I can't wait to see the little boys adult coloring, see how much Blue he has.

Once I get my Blues I might get rid of my Buff's,
I just don't think I want another roo in order to get pure Buff.

I LOVE my Splash Orpingtons, & cant't wait for my Blues!

I have 4 more hatchlings from this month, ALL BOY'S!

2 look like they might turn out Laced like their older sister.
1 is Blue/Buff looking.
And the 4th looks all shades of Blue/Grey. So will he be Splash?
(I do have the Splash pair, so it's possible)
Need some advice
Getting some chickens soon just not sure which breed to go with at first was thinking some good old Rhode Island reds but we have really been considering buff Orpington lately
We have always had chickens mostly barred rocks but we have not had any chickens for a couple of years now and want to get back to them
We will get 50 pulleys and about 5 roosters but would like to here some input from anyone and perhaps any breeds

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